Monday, February 20, 2012


A week ago I decided to  revive a Spiritual Practice of pulling one  card from my Gaian Tarot daily then journaling about what the card/message is telling me about, for that day.It's an amazing oracle/guide!

Every day, the message I receive is so on target.  I like to start my day this way. With coffee, out on the patio (I am in the Southwest) -- I have a colorful notebook I picked up at Ross a long time ago.. and I write. Sometimes a few sentences, sometimes a few pages!

First,I write what I believe the card is saying to me ..then I open my guidebook and read the "meaning" in the book..which always adds even more.

You can use any deck for this but I am in Love with Gaian Tarot.

Daily meditation and prayer round out  a practice which can center you, calm you, and inspire you.I meditate for 20-30 minutes daily but you can start with 10 . You could also just sit quietly and do some deep in and out breathing for your meditation--Maybe 10 breath cycles.

I say a morning prayer every day too--sometimes it is one I made up, sometimes a prayer from the faith of my youth which I have memorized. I  love the prayer of St. Francis, also.

Spiritual Practice and the Tarot put me in touch with "Source" each morning.

As I fall asleep I try to also just "BLESS the day, and everyone who was in it." Amen!

If your practices have fallen by the way side, try giving just a few moments in the morning to this connection and see how it changes your day!

I'd love to hear about it!

Peaceful Blessings!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Moon in Capricorn on Friday and Saturday means that happy hour may turn into "power hour." You may find yourself chatting about ideas for work improvements and changes. You can network with powerful types this 2 days, and make gains on practical goals.

Of course, if you're an earth sign, this will be fun for you. If you're water, you need a massage to ground you this weekend.If you are a fire sign, get some vigorous exercise, and if you are air, write down all your new bright ideas ..and don't share ALL of them outloud yet!

Next weekI will spend more time with TAROT messages..

Till then, bask in the light of the Moon by going outside and sitting still ,gazing and allowing the energies of Her Light to enter your Spirit, for refreshment and nurturance.

Peaceful Blessings,

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sometimes you just don't want to talk! A relaxing hour of healing, massage  and aromatherapy will go a long way to restoring your balance.

I am designing  a few new relaxing AROMATHERAPY Healing and Massage Sessions for my clients.As a  Certified Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner, with Sacred Lomi and Aromatherapy Massage certificates, I'll be helping busy women relax and rejuvenate. And that leads to healing of mind, body and spirit.

 With 28 years of experience offering holistic health  care,  THIS  is my favorite method of providing healing work for  women.

During my  aromatherapy sessions I do receive "impressions" about you and your concerns, and if you agree,I will share them with you.During your treatment, relax with the aromatherapies and massage, and  let your mind drift on the  relaxing music. I provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to  unwind.

Stay tuned. If you live in Arizona, I'll be offering these sessions within a month.I'll provide links to my webpage.

Women,especially, need to focus on self-care and nurturing .When your physical body is relaxed,and you are nourished with essentials oils , music, and spiritual healing, you'll enjoy a happier,healthier Mind, Body and Spirit!

When Mama's happy and relaxed ,everyone's happy! 

Future Path becomes More Clear

Today's Moon sails through the thoughtful sign of Sagitarrius.You may feel like pondering the meaning of Life, or you might be ready to sign up for a class, a course, a seminar of some sort. It's a good day to plan a trip, and to deal with activities that involve other countries or faraway places.

If you have larger planetary aspects like a Pluto or Saturn cycle in progress, today may give you some insight into the spiritual meaning of the events around you this year.

Like  most astrologers, I'm really good at advising others, but  I think I will just "sail through" the challenging aspects in my OWN chart.  NOT SO! Today I am meditating and studying the lessons I am meant to learn by the changes and challenges of the past year.

It can be en-LIGHTENING to "get the lesson.." and to embrace the new cycles as they appear.

Today,expect some BRIGHT IDEAS to pull it all together.

And keep the LOVING message of February alive by continuing to hug more, relax with loved ones more, and also be  EXTRAORDINARILY GOOD TO YOURSELF on a daily basis!


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Here is a quote I read on Marianne Williamson's blog:  (check out my link to her site on the right hand column.) 
"Enlightenment is not a learning, but an unlearning. We have to unlearn the thinking of the world (ego), in order to learn the ways of love (Spirit)."

 In 2012 and beyond, planetary  alignments point towards more changes in the way we live, love, learn and grow. The entire planet is undergoing a "shift" and it's ALWAYS a great idea to rely more on your Spiritual Nature than your ego, in solving problems or navigating a new life path.  Find your connection with the Source (God, Goddess, Jesus, Buddha, or, as Wayne Dyer says, you can call it Louise if you like..)

I enjoy Marianne's books,blog and lectures.  She promotes Peace . My husband and I are going back over the Course in Miracles information.  And her information/books,etc.  are a great gateway into all things miraculous.

It's a nice reminder that you don't necessarily have to DO MORE, or LEARN MORE or figure it all out on your own!

RELEASING wrong thought, and UN-learning some of what's cluttering up your mind and spirit..well, that's done through prayer,contemplation and meditation.

Gather together with like minded friends and share Spirit.  Meditate together. Read books, discuss good works you can do, and make sure you spend some time all by yourself,  every day ,in the quiet, "unlearning" mode.

A Peaceful life begins in the  Heart,.

Isn't  February "Heart" month??

Blessings to all-- 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sedona Secret Canyon

My husband and I hike in Sedona regularly.We found a spot in the wilderness called Secret Canyon. It's a steep climb straight up into a red rock alcove where we can sit and meditate.

I always bring a deck of my Tarot Cards (I have at least 20 decks) and energize them in the red rocks.

This is a deck I carried to the Secret Wilderness in October,2011.
Ken and I are proponents of "barefoot running."  If the terrain is mostly agreeable, we walk,hike and run without foot gear.  An amazing experience and GOOD for your feet (as well as your Spirit!)

This picture was  the same October, 2011 trip.

Here in the Valley it's usually too rocky but up in Sedona the red dirt is soft and even the stony areas are smooth and so cool to the foot..

Try it!

I brought my Gaian Deck up there in December. but didn't take pics.

Blessings and Happy Friday!


A Libra Moon today makes it easier to enjoy a calm, relaxed approach.You can use this energy to make your environment prettier or more soothing. A great evening for a warm herbal bath and some candles. Yes,Libra rules MUSIC too.

The Moon moves swiftly , and we can use Her energies on purpose by paying attention to her sign.

The larger planets create the longer term, overall flavor to our months and our years, but the Moon is fickle and changes sign every couple of days.

Using the power of manifestation, the power of positive thinking, and the signs of the Moon, you can create better days for yourself by focusing on the more pleasant aspects of the Moon Sign of the moment.

Sure,Pluto may still be wreaking havoc with your mortgage, your career path, or your love life,  and Venus may be starting some fires in the sign of Aries, but a daily dose of  THE MOON, is, I believe, good for all of us.  And a magical escape.

If you can ENERGIZE a moment or a day..well, why not!!

BLESSINGS and may some Libra  Moon Magic be all yours..

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Happy Wednesday! This is a picture of a trip I took to Sedona not long ago .  No, I wasn't on the "team!"  Do I believe in aliens? Well,did you think Planet Earth was the ONLY place in the entire Universe with Life??  Now THAT would be the most UN-believable thing, to me!

I have always had a fascination with what's "out there"  and I spent many summer nights on my swing set in the backyard, staring up at the patterns of the Stars and the twinkling of the Planets.I KNEW they meant something.That's how  and why I began to study astrology. I am still fascinated with the Sky and what's in it. (And who's out there!)

Early this morning I  went out by my swimming pool, and gazed up at that bright Full Moon.  Meditating on the Moon always lifts me out of earth -bound consciousness and reminds me we are all a part of something much larger.Something radiant and loving. And that, more than likely, we are not "alone."

Today, why not open your mind and heart to the idea that there is more Love, more Light, and a whole lot of Spiritual Guidance  available from "out there."

Draw that energy into your life, on purpose.You can do this by meditating, by Moon Gazing, or by simply "imagining" it happening.

Your Spirit Guides, and the Source are reaching out to you, just as you can extend your heart in THEIR direction.This creates a magnetic field where you will begin to attract what you need and desire.

And if you meet up with any little green men in Starbucks,just  remember to share your latte.

Bright Blessings to all...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Comments welcome!

First person who posts a comment receives a free mini reading via email!

A two card Tarot reading.. I wanna hear from y'all!

Blessed Moments.... 

MOON IN LEO is loud!

With Moon in Leo, the decibels of all communications rise! Who's yelling at you!??  I bet it's a sibling !  To recoup: Call up  your besties and vent a little!

On the up side, those who want to be in the spotlight get their chance  today,and those of us in retreat mode can enjoy some self-pampering.

Depending on your own sun sign and inclinations: Either go out and meet the pals for a raucous happy hour tonight and enjoy the music, the noise, the companionship.Or, if you're a quieter type, get a massage or a mani-pedi after work or just come home and make your own SPA night.. candles, nice music, and a nice steak on the grill (in Arizona!) or a cuppa raspberry hot chocolate (Colorado!)

Whichever you choose, make sure to put a glow of  spiritual protection around yourself ,imagine the warmth of the Light of the Sun (Leo)  just infusing your mind, body, and spirit with Love,Light and Health!

Am I am little bit of a sappy astrologer? You betcha!   ( Sun Cancer,Pisces rising)  My blog is a no-snark zone!

Brightest Blessings for a great day and evening! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I've been told my readings are upbeat and often don't reveal the "scary" stuff. Not true! My experience as a spiritual counselor has shown me a way to share the challenges of your life with you,without scaring the pants off you!

In 2009, had to  confirm to a client that indeed his business was headed for bankruptcy. A 30 year business was going belly up. All his major clients were down and out after the crash of '08.

I always ask my guides to reveal SOLUTIONS. Rather than dwelling on loss, a reading should help you move forward to the NEXT PART!

Mr. Jones chart showed us a tiny glimmer of hope in a newly developed line of work for him. He was told to start over again like an "amateur"--to be the "fool" and follow his heart to the next endeavor. And of course to grieve his loss, then get busy.

In fact, he had grown weary of the large behomoth of a company he had developed, and there was one small part of it he felt he could redevelop--and it involved working from a very small workshop, like he did when he was younger. (and a change in lifestyle for him and his family.)

A smile spread across his face as he recalled the joy and simplicity of those days!

Over the past 2 years I've seen him regularly for readings and he has, indeed, developed a small home improvement business that is thriving with just himself and 2 employees. He did have to sell his large home and regroup. He had to give up some exotic travel he had become accustomed to.

He and his wife joined forces in business again and they became closer. With a smaller house they were finally able to push the last grown kid out  of the nest .  Mr. and Mrs. Jones rejoined a church they had left behind and now enjoy a lot of social and community activities right in their own hometown rather than,say,Aruba.

It's a success story by all definitions if you ask me.

And he did.

My "happy"  astrological tarot readings acknowledge loss and change, but I always push for SOLUTION. WHAT'S NEXT?  If you need to know WHAT'S NEXT and need assistance to identify your strengths and blessings,email me for a reading.





Todays' Tarot messages is from the Gaian Deck, a powerful oracle designed by Joanna Colbert Powell. Here's her link.

Someone has become lost in the woods. He finds a way to build a small safe shelter for the night  and he/she rests. In the morning he will awaken and find his Path once again.

Your message today is that you do have the skills you need to solve whatever difficulties you're facing. You may need to rest and recoup a little first.Tonight, get enough sleep. Stay warm.

And don't allow your fears to steal away your personal power and your intuition.You do know how to navigate this path! Even if it is previously unknown to you! You will find the way..

This card fits in nicely with our Moon in Cancer.. spend time today and tonight "nesting."

Bright Blessings to All!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Tarot is like a best friend to me .My new  Gaian Deck speaks the truth and is a beautiful oracle for solving problems and for spiritual contemplation.

As I share my thoughts and wisdom with you in my blog,I'll share images ,predictions, and meditations that come through the Tarot,  to me.  In addition to the planets.

 You'll  find I am not a member of many astrological organizations because they believe astrology is a pure science (and in many ways it is..) and "mixing up" tarot, psychic guidance, spirit guides, and other metaphysical concepts is not "astrology."

Well,I came up in the spiritual world MIXING IT ALL UP! Can't help it.When I look at your chart,I begin to get impressions,words, messages.  I have always been attuned to the other side.  The planets speak,but so do other guides and images from the Tarot! All my readings and counseling sessions include your astrological cycles as well as a TAROT CARD reading. And Higher Self/Spirit Guide info. It's the whole deal with me..I have to mix it up because that is how I  receive it and how I counsel.

Over the past 30 plus years the feedback my clients give me has been supportive and grateful.

So--I hope the on- line,hard-line  astrologers  just  sort of ignore me as I move  along with my own hybrid way of offering readings,counsel, and inspiration. My "tribe" are the shamans and the visionaries.

I am an optimistic, enthusiastic supporter of YOUR GOALS , and I enjoy using the planets and Tarot to help us see ahead..and within..

I'm working all this coming 2 weeks to make some you tubes and to post some  links to Like -Minded Souls who support me, and will support you,too! You'll be introduced to Beth Owl's Daughter,Joanna Colbert Powell,Richard and Roberta Sutphen and more..

If you like to mix it up too, and enjoy ALL that the realm of Spirit has to offer, come visit!

My little fingers (and web cams)  can only go so fast--so.. give me some time and come back often!

Hugs and Bright Blessings.

Greetings! I've been busy honoring my calling as a Light-Worker and I'm creating lots of posts,predictions,links, you tubes, facebook pages, etc. to  share with  with my clients,friends and spiritual family.Please come visit here often!

I'll start my new blog with the MOON SIGN , because I am a Cancerian Moon Child, and because the MOON often governs the general energy of the day.

Today and tomorrow the MOON IN CANCER brings a perfect time to enjoy your HOME, family and your close friends.Yes, SuperBowl Sunday  get togethers fill the bill, and FOOD must be involved!

Many of us are playing around in the yard, fixing up the house, tweaking our decor and just enjoying the "nest."

As Monday rolls around,expect the  LEO Moon to get the phone ringing,  and lots of connections with your immediate family and close friends -- expect invitations to social events  and it is definitely hard to get your mind on WORK because  social life is very demanding early in the week! Kick back a little and enjoy life!

The larger picture of planetary energies says  we're all  still battling  our fears.Accept them,acknowledge them, and then gently move them to the side of your mind .Tell yourself "I now come up with creative solutions to every thing that's on my plate right now."

Don't ignore your fear. Don't give it MORE energy by denying it, but GENTLY acknowledge it and move on.

Easier said than done?

Yes it is. Your natal astrology chart tells you where your strengths and weaknesses are.. so, pull from your STRENGTH to move into COURAGE AND FAITH.

I'll be doing the same!

Please visit with me  often..I am so delighted to be back on the web, and will be making a facebook page and some fun informative and inspirational you tubes in the coming weeks..I suggest you subscribe!!

Hugs and Bright Blessings!