Thursday, April 11, 2013


We first started talking about our "stress" when Hans Selye began his research on the topic back in the '60's. I think before then it was just called "Life."  And you didn't complain about it!

What Hans wrote about was NOT how stress hurts us.. but how our RESPONSE to stress can cause problems.

SOME stress is actually good for us! For instance, it takes STRESS on your bones to make them grow, and to make them strong. If you never had ANY stress in the workplace, would you ever look for the next best job? Would you go through the  rigors of going back to school, or a training program if something did not motivate you to do so?

 Often it is the stress of being in  an uncomfortable or worn- out situation that brings out our courage, faith and our get moving and get happier. Of course it can be stress-ful to create new habits, routines, take a student loan,  or move cross country.

How are you going to respond to the stresses in your life? Hand over power to others? Or, make a change???

WARNING: THe changes needed during a Pluto/Uranus transit are BIG , not wimpy.

PLUTO turns retrograde tomorrow and Uranus is in the mix. April and May will be-- pressured.Stressful. All the astrologers are chatting amongst themselves.."stress,stress,stress!!"

Since we have the signs of Capricorn and Aries involved,  A PLAN, some CONCRETE GOALS, and ACTION are all required!

I say take a good long look at what's not making you happy in your life. Relationships, work, housing issues, your body, your goals. Under this motivating aspect, you will find that you can break up old patterns only if you are willing to put up with the STRESS of change. The Universe may step in and make some of those changes FOR you, but I am an eternal optimist and I believe if we look ahead and prepare, we can actually use this energy to light our own fires.

I expect the next two months to be very busy and unusual in some way. Many of us will entertain ideas we never thought possible! Major shift, here it comes!

Since I enjoy challenge, I am open to this. How about you?

This next two months are an excellent time to learn some NEW STRESS REDUCTION habits, too. I practice TM (Transcendental Meditation) and I also use 30 minute relaxation/meditation CD'S (actually they are on my ipod now)  on a daily basis. Adopt an exercise program. Quit whining! Develop some NEW WAYS of managing..stress.   I  also pray and do a gratitude journal.

Make time for PLAY. Arts, crafts,music, bike riding, hiking,cooking..these are my favorite activities.. and they help me unwind.

Get busy this weekend and develop a plan for your next 2 months.The energies are high, and you'll feel the pressure. USE the pressure to help you GROW.

You're stronger than you know!

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