Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy Moon and Romance

This Moon in Sadge is a lighter,  happier Moon than the previous moon in Scorpio.Deep thought and "issues" give way to a desire to shrug it all off and "play."

I've been on retreat in my mountain cabin,communing with the javelina, elk, and eagles. It's been raining and the sounds of rolling thunder make the evenings mysterious and moist.

Your weekend will be tinged with a desire for the freedom of the open road: Get outside! Take a road trip, a picnic, at LEAST a bike ride. (This morning, I got lost in  my old SUV, in the woods, rocky roads, a few flooded washes to cross,  with no phone, no sneakers, and no water..but I made it back to civilization..hey! Sadge  urges you  into EXPLORING.. I was out looking for yard sales and got..well, adventurous! )

Saturn  and Venus is aspect also suggest that you may be in contact with a few serious relationship decisions, and/or meet up with some older wiser or at least responsible parnters. (But - the Moon in Sadge doesn't want to slow down long enough for too much drama..)

I say play, stretch your muscles and maybe invite a trusted friend or lover for a wine or coffee date this evening.

I'll be back on Monday!


"I have the resources to survive any adventures I attempt!"


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Not Your Usual Summer


The impact of the T-Square in the sky is still with us, and I imagine it will be for some time.Between now and the end of September, you will likely be dealing with issues , relationships and life changes that came up during this past month. 

Some days you feel like an "alien"-- drifting from activity to activity, work to home to the same old replay of discussions that have driven you and your loved ones nuts for about  3 years!

The time could be ripe for recovery. If you examine what is most important to you NOW, and work on releasing what's been pulled out from under you, you'll find the true diamonds left behind.

The planet keeps on turnin' and if you accept that it's not going to be like it "used" to be, and embrace change and re-invention, you can thrive.

But it takes courage and a deep,honest look within.Happiness is, after all, an inside job.

And isn't that what it's all about--  we want to feel authentic, not "alien" , we want to wake up with a smidgen of Joy and Anticipation, not dread.

If you're feeling out of sorts lately, August will be an excellent time for a retreat. Find a way to sneak away for a weekend or a week,to a place in nature that feeds your Soul.Bring journals, inspirational books or podcasts, and Feed Your Spirit.

These times call for courage and authenticity. 

Who are you,  REALLY???


" I open my heart to my authenticity."



Friday, July 20, 2012

Artsy Fartsy Friday

With the New Moon in aspect to Venus and Uranus and  retro. Mercury in aspect too,I see possibilities for outrageous creativity! It is a nice weekend to attend an art fair, visit the galleries in your town, or pick up a paintbrush and see what you can fling onto the canvas! You may be a spending mood too, so watch the pocketbook if you are on a budget.

Sparks fly in the area of romance as well. An out-of-the blue  invitation may pop us today and all through the weekend. Act on impulse!

As Mercury is retrograde, you may get  a surprise communication out of the past. Be prepared for high emotions.

I'm going to spend time today on my mixed media art projects and I am hoping for an interesting phone call tonight.

How is your weekend shaping up?


"I am open to surprise!"



Thursday, July 19, 2012

Protection and Retreat

With the Moon in Cancer, I am thinking about the theme of protection. The sign of Cancer is the crab, who will retreat into that shell if the world gets too snarky!

I'd say the signs of Cancer and Pisces are the most thin-skinned of the zodiac, but all signs have the potential to be "stepped on" or have their feelings hurt!

The position and sign of your MOON is also an indicator of your emotions and how much you can take.

As you explore the ideas of the spiritual world, and work on living in the "flow" you'll find more and more that you desire and enjoy the company of folks whose energy is similar to your own.

You may find you need to protect your own good spirit by turning off the volume when your gossipy or complaining friends start up!  As you grow, over time, you won't want to spend much time with them anyway.

As you explore and reach out (I HOPE!) you will find your "TRIBE.." and the need for "protection" diminishes.

I attended a spiritual/art  group gathering recently and there were a few energy vampires in the mix. I found the creative, artistic souls who enjoy what  I enjoy, and hung out with them.   And I'm making some new friends.

You can RELAX around people whose energy is similar to yours. Yes, opposites can attract, but on the deeper level, beneath "personality," lies the CORE, the VALUES that bring you together or, will tear you apart. That goes for friendships and all relationships.

I don't spend a lot of time with people  whose VALUES are dramatically different than mine! For instance,I respect my elders. I went to a restaurant with someone who actually PUSHED an elder aside to get to the table she wanted! I don't do lunch with her anymore!!! We can't compromise on values.

Of course we can enjoy a vibrant mix of personalities in our social circle,  and we don't always need some to agree with us, but on the primal ENERGY level, it is much more comfortable to hang with the "tribe" that matches our Soul Purpose.

While the Moon is in Cancer, think about how you protect your Spirit from abuse or discomfort. Have you found your "tribe?" With whom can you let down your hair and relax?? What do you do  for retreat and rejuvenation when you are overwhelmed? (Watch a good movie, have a glass of wine ,read a good romance novel..???)

Is it time to meet some new people and make new friends?  This New Moon is a good support for that!


"I find my Tribe."


480 204 3562

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Astrological Tarot readings

What is an Astrological Tarot reading?

Well, I am a Rosicrucian -trained Astrologer and I also developed psychic/intuitive insights as I studied the Tarot.

I always combine the two in my readings with clients.

I will discuss your Life Path and Potential as pointed out by your Moon Sign,Sun, Ascendant and planetary cycles .

Then I lay out the gorgeous TAROT CARDS (I use many decks, it depends what I "feel" that day!) Lately I am using my Gaian Deck and OSHO deck a lot.

I start with a 12 card layout which is all the houses of the zodiac.This way I can interpret the cards WITHIN the framework of what I know about astrology.

The Moon in your FIRST HOUSE (1st card in layout) would say to me you are considering changing your mind about something extremely important and also going to make a dramatic change in your appearance (new hair color style or dress..) You may also be harboring a secret you need to unload. 

The Two of Swords in the 6th card/house says to me you have to choose between 2 paths of work and service. A job change, maybe an uncomfortable one lies directly ahead.You can't see straight! You don't have  all the information yet. I'd say slow down,wait,if you can! 

Get the picture?

I give you all my info first then you can ask me questions.

Some of my clients come just once or twice a year for an overview of the future.

Some clients use the hour readings for  coaching/counseling. I am currently doing a series of 3  one hour sessions with a young woman who has some important career and moving decisions to make and wants to discuss strategies and possibilities. Based on HER natural talents,strengths and weaknesses as shown in her chart. (She has much Cancerian and  will probably be needing to stay close to home and roots rather than move to the east coast. The better money offer is there, but she is hesitant..  She has given me permission to share that much..) 

Check out my Readings Page if you're interested.
If I do say so myself, my readings are unique and I  bring my compassion and my Spirit Guides to each session!


Cancerian New Moon and Goals

Late tonight and into tomorrow morning, the New Moon in Cancer heralds a time for goal-setting. I enjoy rhythms and routines, and the New Moon each month is a healthy way to reset intentions and goals.

In the homey sign of Cancer, this New Moon makes some stressful aspects to the rest of the sky, still, I believe the New Moon all by itself offers a window of opportunity.

Questions I am asking at this New Moon: What am I doing to enhance my "place.." my "roots," the people and places  I come home to at the end of the day. How am I honoring and appreciating that place and that tribe?

Maybe I should have some close friends or family over for a pot luck on Thursday or Friday?

Maybe I can schedule a "retreat" weekend where I stick close to home and cook,do some art, hang out with my cat,kid and significant other.. Hibernate,  take an herbal bath or two, lock the rest of the world away?

Maybe you just need to clean and re organize your personal space???

How can I release the pressures and obligations of this week without hurting others? Or myself?

What compromises are in order?

I am liking this new Moon.I believe that with the nurturing,reclusive sign of Cancer, we can heal from the crazed energy of the past few days. If we steer clear of personal conflicts with others! CHILL!!!!

So what are YOUR intentions for this next Moon cycle??

Bright Blessings and Peace,

Madeline Hill
Astrologer/Tarot counselor

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chaos or Opportunity?


Welcome Tuesday! I'm as busy as the rest of you, what with the cosmic dance party happening. None of us get to be wallflowers.  I promise you, you WILL be talking,planning, organizing or, I'm sorry, maybe even arguing with SOMEONE during this planet phase. (Libra)  I bet the issues relate to home and family, to your lifestyle, and there is some career angst thrown in the mix.(Cancerian energy.)

Let's just hope the disc jockey in the sky plays YOUR favorite tune, soon!

Personally,I'm not great at compromise, with a lot of cardinal signs in my chart I tend to think I have the best idea! LOL! But this week calls for divine compromise.Get better at LISTENING! 

When you can't see what's happening, have you ever thought about going up to a higher view? Maybe you're just not seeing the WHOLE PICTURE?

If you climb up a mountain, you can suddenly see all over the entire valley. I climbed on a ladder the other day to fix something in my back yard, and suddenly, I could see EVERYTHING in all my neighbor's back yards!  I immediately knew a a whole lot more about my new  neighbors ( I just moved.)

(Now I am not advocating Peeping Tom behavior..just sayin'..when you go up higher, MUCH MORE INFORMATION is available.)

A more acceptable way to "go to a higher view" is to learn how to meditate, contemplate, and pray. Spiritual practice, done on a regular basis, helps life you to the higher ground. You don't have to dress in a turban and spend an hour a day. How about a 10 minute sit-down in a comfy chair, just before you leave the house each morning.Just close your eyes, and do some slow deep easy breaths and let your body mind and spirit calm down and unwind. Drift. Over time maybe you can do it a little longer, or maybe after work is better.

I also love to get in sync with the MOON of the day, and celebrate New and Full Moons.Here is a link to a site I LOVE.. I do the short ritual every month-- Dana has done all the work for you--so, start with this New Moon..and find your higher ground ..


You'll find you might enjoy the view!


'I lift myself up."



Monday, July 16, 2012

The Sky is Dancing! predicts for THIS week.

Whew! This week is a real jitterbug of energy. Put on your dancing shoes!!

If you cherish calm and easy times, well, you better crawl under a rock this week.  However, as most of  my readers know,  my generally optimistic nature always finds some diamonds amongst the here goes:

Breakdowns, breakthroughs, rediscoveries, and re inventions. (Tired already!!??)  You can't hang on to the past or the old ideas any longer!!!

But what happens when you toss out the garbage?? You end up with a whole closet full of space to FILL UP WITH MORE APPROPRIATE stuff. Stuff you use. Stuff you cherish. Maybe even leave a few empty shelves to fill in LATER. If you don't clean your own closets, a (metaphoric or actual)  hurricane may come along and do it for you!!

I see the Mars Pluto contact as being  an instigator! Throw in a backwards Mercury and  New Moon in stress to Libra planets.. and take a deep breath! Many of my clients and facebook friends are in frantic mode.It seems a WHOLE LOT OF STUFF needs to be CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, RE-INVENTED,  and Re-THOUGHT. Kind of like,NOW!

I  still like the New Moon on Wednesday, as she is in the homey sign of Cancer and that puts the focus on your ROOTS, what's really important to you.Set some new goals with your home and family in mind.Cancer is also a CARDINAL SIGN opposite the 10th house, so CAREER MATTERS can also be up for a SWIFT Recalibration or Reinvention.

Mars and Pluto make it all rather dramatic and noisy, but hey! When the air clears your whole life might look really different!

Not ready?

Well, certain aspects of change are around till the year 2015 so you do have a while to get used to the chaos!

We can't CONTROL every detail of the future, but we CAN set our intentions and take the action steps to get where we want to in life. Then, learn to adjust along the way as a few chaotic events surprise you!!

Learning to meditate is a good idea too!!


"I navigate change with grace."



Friday, July 13, 2012

Dancing Backwards in the Sky

When the  planets go retrograde they are not "really" moving backwards.It is an apparent backward movement.but I don't spend a lot of time on the astro jargon on my blog.I calculate so I can share WHAT IT MEANS, here!

Today, the URANUS retrograde station is creating some edgy rebellion all the way around. You won't be following the latest craze, it's  more of an inward peek at your own GYPSY SOUL.. what parts of you need to "dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand wavin' free??"


This energy is not a "today" kinda thing.It's time to incorporate some of the
wild,creative side of yourself into your daily living patterns, for good!

You won't be able to help yourself.Uranus always causes events,people, and opportunities that you didn't really see coming--so be open to surprise. These aspects are upsetting to people who loathe CHANGE. So, if you're one of those, strap yourself in!

 I happen to have a very active Uranus  in my natal chart, so my WHOLE LIFE has been like that (and continues to be..) I simply do not plan on ANYTHING staying the same for long!! (Constant reinvention!)

Mercury  also starts a  retro.  period tomorrow.I take those transits with a grain of salt.It's important to know, but not life changing.Just be careful NOT to buy a car or a computer. And avoid signing documents that can wait.

On the flip side, Mercury retrograde is an awesome time for finding lost articles or people, and for REVISING the manuscript, or other plans you've already had in progress.

It's not a bad idea to start thinking about the Cancerian NEW MOON coming up, too.. but I'll get to that tomorrow!!


 "I embrace the gypsy in my Soul!"


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Predictions for Sensuous Moon in Taurus time

Moon in the silky sensuous sign of Taurus signals  a few nights of blissful dreams and yearnings.A desire towards beauty wherever you can find it! In Taurus, the Moon inspires us to enjoy the feel of fresh sweet clean sheets, light the sandalwood candles, and maybe cook a gourmet meal or two.

I love Moon in Taurus time.I open the special bottle of Chardonnay. I wear the flowiest blouse. I light a new candle. And tonight,I cooked a fragrant mushroom risotto and set a sumptuous table.

I simply PUT OFF all the unpleasant chores  I was supposed to do and got ..well,INDULGENT...

For this Moon,I predict..sensuous moments, great food, and maybe a shopping spree..

TELL ME.. how will you celebrate the Taurus Moon?Are there times during a  lunar month when you feel MORE sensuous,indulgent and hedonistic??

Tell me.....


" I revel in the beauty all around me.."



Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I recently read an article about astrologers getting "no respect" as Rodney Dangerfield would say! I had to laugh out loud!

 What's new about that,and who cares??

 Since I am also one of the tarot readers and power animal intuitives,too,fitting in with mainstream folks has never really been a goal or an option for this Pisces rising soul! My readings are unique..while I have studied serious astrology with an acclaimed Rosicrucian master, she also taught principles that honed my psychic abilities, my communication with the animal kingdom, my dreams, and spirit guides, so I must include all this in my readings. And I do.

 The worlds of intuition and astrology often meet at the dark crossroads under the cloak of the Goddess.

I love how unique it is to be an astrologer,tarot counselor and intuitive. Trying to separate those gifts and skills or blending into the mainstream would ruin the delightful,colorful,creative Life I live "on the fringe!"

 It would also put limits on what I offer in my special readings.

 Affirmation for Today: I embrace EVERYTHING that is unique about me!!! 



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aries Moon is edgy and assertive

Today's Moon in Aries makes for an edgy "let's get it done" mood. Lots of old projects are piling up, aren't they? You wish you could continue on with the nice Moon in Pisces 'float" but it's time to get down to business!

The next few days will bring a flurry of work,  phone calls, contracts, stuff to solve with brothers, sisters and close friends, and oh,I forgot, the BOSS IS BREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK!

How to chill? Well,I live in  Arizona so that is practically IMPOSSIBLE, but I have a feeling a margarita date with friends might do the trick!

Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is causing a rash of CREATIVITY to break out ALL OVER.. you might also find yourself enjoying some down time with your favorite art projects or your book club friends..


"I take it all in!"



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Full Moon Madness

Fireworks are just the half of it this fourth of July! Uranus and Pluto square off and one way to process this energy is to give in  to your unique, eccentric qualities and interests. Find a way to express yourself today.And expect the unexpected in relationships as Mars moves into Libra.

You're ready for your love life to be like your favorite fairy tale, but that's not likely unless you do the inner work required to BE a good partner.THEN you'll attract one.

Ponder the natural beauty all around you, and try to get out in nature today,especially for the FULL MOON sky-show this evening.


" I am an original!"



Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Full Moon Predicts Deep Emotions

Best way to experience the energy of a Full Moon is to go outside and moon-bathe in it! You'll need some extra  guidance this week, as the Full Moon conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus.Mars enters Libra and many of us are having push-pull feelings of wanting INNER PEACE and ADVENTURE AND CHANGE all at the same time!

Today,you'll find that  a practical approach,reviewing the  FACTS OF THE MATTER can help.

Mars energy is causing us to see the parts of Life that are not as beautiful, balanced, and fulfilling as we want. We are afraid to stir up the pot, but inside we are seething to DO JUST THAT. This causes tension in relationships!

What's a human to do?

Well, explore what is keeping you from what you want.
FOCUS ON SELF. Try hard not to blame OTHERS for what is not working in YOUR life!

CREATE beauty and charming energy around you: Paint a room, buy yourself some flowers, revise your wardrobe to be more comfortable  and expressive. (summer sales going on right now!)

Right before our national holiday begins, you may have to tie up some loose ends in business  and  on the job.Don't forget to put the holiday message on the business phone, and get the bills paid.

Go out tonight even for a few minutes, gaze UP at La Luna and wonder to yourself: How can I attract the relationships I need and desire, to create more happiness and harmony  in my life?


"I attract excellence!"


Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday,Monsoons, Moony Predictions

It's Moony Monday and since I am a Cancerian I am always watching the Moon....she moves quickly, so her moods are fleeting, and not as consequential as a longer transiting planet such as Pluto or Uranus (more on those two later this week..) but she does color the energy of the day... and we can use that energy to go with the flow...

Today's mood is a  cheerful, optimistic and "play hooky" kind of energy.  I know I have to go to the office, but I am ditching out early to get a pedicure.  There is a sort-of important business matter I would LOVE to solve before we go on vacation Wednesday but I don't see it happening today. I am learning to be much more Type B in business,  and in life, this year!  (How about you??)

Make time today to be festive.To talk about life, love, and the future, with friends,  maybe enjoy a quick and easy take out supper, and just ease into the week.

Prediction for the week: The FULL MOON in Capricorn tomorrow will illuminate an important decision you made 2 weeks ago.What's up with that???


"I relax,  and I appreciate the change of  life's seasons.."



Sunday, July 1, 2012


Moon in is the sign of Sadge, the archer,  this evening and into better believe NO ONE will have their  mind on their work !! This is the sign of travel, discovery, distant destinations. Have you got your bags packed for the Fourth of July break ALREADY!??!  Or at least the BBQ grill at the ready??   (Me too!!)

Tonight and tomorrow, go ahead and finalize travel plans and get in touch with  important people who may be in another location .  Coordinate schedules, get the car in good mechanical shape, double check airline tickets, all this weekend and into tomorrow!  If you're playing at home over the holiday,clean up your patios and living spaces so friends can spread out and have a good time!

Go to the local INDEPENDENT bookstore and get those summer reading materials. Charge up the Kindle.

If you've been needing some time to THINK ABOUT what you believe in lately, you may have some spiritual moments today and tomorrow too.

I like to spread my spirituality out through the whole week but it's always a good idea to set aside some sacred time once a week for a ritual, burn a candle, attend a service, or be with friends who share your soulful ideas. If nothing else, read a few pages of  Marianne Williamson  or Wayne Dyer for inspiration, then,HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT cause it's a busy, celebratory week ahead!!

In the spirit of Sadge,I am reviving my "AFFIRMATION FOR THIS DAY" in my blogs!


"I appreciate time off to just play and renew myself!