Thursday, July 19, 2012

Protection and Retreat

With the Moon in Cancer, I am thinking about the theme of protection. The sign of Cancer is the crab, who will retreat into that shell if the world gets too snarky!

I'd say the signs of Cancer and Pisces are the most thin-skinned of the zodiac, but all signs have the potential to be "stepped on" or have their feelings hurt!

The position and sign of your MOON is also an indicator of your emotions and how much you can take.

As you explore the ideas of the spiritual world, and work on living in the "flow" you'll find more and more that you desire and enjoy the company of folks whose energy is similar to your own.

You may find you need to protect your own good spirit by turning off the volume when your gossipy or complaining friends start up!  As you grow, over time, you won't want to spend much time with them anyway.

As you explore and reach out (I HOPE!) you will find your "TRIBE.." and the need for "protection" diminishes.

I attended a spiritual/art  group gathering recently and there were a few energy vampires in the mix. I found the creative, artistic souls who enjoy what  I enjoy, and hung out with them.   And I'm making some new friends.

You can RELAX around people whose energy is similar to yours. Yes, opposites can attract, but on the deeper level, beneath "personality," lies the CORE, the VALUES that bring you together or, will tear you apart. That goes for friendships and all relationships.

I don't spend a lot of time with people  whose VALUES are dramatically different than mine! For instance,I respect my elders. I went to a restaurant with someone who actually PUSHED an elder aside to get to the table she wanted! I don't do lunch with her anymore!!! We can't compromise on values.

Of course we can enjoy a vibrant mix of personalities in our social circle,  and we don't always need some to agree with us, but on the primal ENERGY level, it is much more comfortable to hang with the "tribe" that matches our Soul Purpose.

While the Moon is in Cancer, think about how you protect your Spirit from abuse or discomfort. Have you found your "tribe?" With whom can you let down your hair and relax?? What do you do  for retreat and rejuvenation when you are overwhelmed? (Watch a good movie, have a glass of wine ,read a good romance novel..???)

Is it time to meet some new people and make new friends?  This New Moon is a good support for that!


"I find my Tribe."


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