Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Weekend!

Jupiter,Mars, and Uranus are in a cosmic dance this weekend  and you're probably feeling the need to shed all constraints as the weekend moves forward.. (starting last night.)  Themes of freedom and experimentation abound. What a wonderful night for a Moon-Dance!!

Moon in Capricorn also gives a push to get things DONE!  So you may find yourself see-sawing between busy projects you want  to get underway or completed, and then topping it all off with a party-fest as the sun goes down..

Well,that sounds like a perfect weekend to me!

We're in the middle of the New Moon cycle that began a week ago--have you found yourself  experiencing  more  Balance and compromise in your relationships and business deals?  Trying for a win-win, rather than having it all your way,will work best. You might find that changing others is pretty impossible; the idea is to CHANGE YOURSELF. YOU are in charge of your reactions to what goes on around you..and it is your choice to linger or burn rubber..

Make time to PLAY today.. I just got back from a one hour bike ride through the mini-ranches in the neighborhood near me. I  visited ponies, a herd of cattle, and stopped to pet the cow who was tied to a tree in front of someone's yard sale.I love old Arizona !!


" My energies are happy and healthy today.I can do anything I set my mind to!!"


1 comment:

  1. Ah, good advice, especially the win/win part. I needed that reminder today. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm now following yours. Look forward to reading more.
