Saturday, September 29, 2012

Full Moon Feast

Happy Full Moon day. I enjoy Full Moons and usually go out in my backyard for some Moon-gazing and contemplation.The Full Moon usually finishes up some activity or emotional investment we started about 2 weeks ago.  It is  NOT the best time to START a new project.

It's best to start a diet, purchase new clothing or home items, or set new goals  during the NEW MOON phase.

For now, bask in the knowledge that has  just come to Light.  Don't be in a hurry to make a commitment.

Because this Moon is in Aries, you may feel more bold and creative than usual, but this may bump up against an opponent's idea of what you SHOULD be doing.  Everyone wants a piece of you this weekend!!  And YOU want what YOU want.

I like making a nice Full Moon meal during this phase. (I am a Cancerian!) Tonight's  Full Moon Pleasure at my house  is:  Moroccan Chicken with Yellow Squash and garlic spinach. And a good movie.

Why not dish up some sustenance for your friends and family, or treat yourself to a nice meal out with your tribe.. as a celebration? It's a BUSY weekend, not a calm one.. Hospital  E.R.'s will be hopping, so drive carefully and if it's a night on the town,  have a designated driver.

Just  be sure to take time to visit Moon Circles. I love Dana's Three Minute Full Moon rituals.I feel when we stay connected to Mother Nature, we are happier and healthier overall.

So--happy Moon-gazing!



"  I bask in the glow of the Light of the Moon.."


Friday, September 28, 2012

Who's Afraid Of a Scorpion?

I live in Arizona so I'm used to scorpions. Have even been stung a few times and lived to tell the tale. I also grew up with a Scorpio Mom and my husband has many scorpionic aspects in his chart.   So, Saturn's move into this mysterious sign is not scary to me, while many astrology sites are predicting doom and gloom!

I'll talk  more about it in October--but FOR NOW:

Saturn's move through the last few degrees of LIBRA are of more concern.As a practicing astrologer, in my 30+ years of counseling,I see a cascade of change and energy and EVENTS as a planet moves through the FINAL 3 degrees of a sign.

Right now, most of us,regardless of our sun sign, are in a whirlwind of decisions about all kinds of relationships. Love life, work life, where you live, it's all up for grabs,isn't it? The thing is, this is not  a COMFORTABLE time.. the choices mean deep deep  soul searching,because WE SEEM TO KNOW the choices we make will be VERY LONG LASTING in effect!!  And we also sort of wish we didn't have to change the status quo (but we do..)

If you are indecisive person, this is hard. I tend to enjoy setting my course, even changing course in a high wind can be..exhilarating! (For me!)  I am not a fence sitter.

If you are, your comfort zone is being violated!!

Before we move into the mysterious, magical, and deep exploration of Scorpio, finish up what's happening in Libra , before October 5.   Uh- oh-- you don't mean you haven't STARTED!?????

I find that when we do not make necessary changes on our own, the Great Gods will start doing it for  us.I  prefer the illusion that I have something to say about it all!!  So I am proactive.

Really, time is short.. pressure is building,no?

You have nothing to  fear by releasing what isn't a good match for your life energy and your desires right now.You may find you need to clean house, start over, revise and rennovate.

You may even find you are thisclose to finding your AUTHENTIC WAY OF BEING IN THIS WORLD.

Tell me, what MUST you change right now??  And how hard is it?

Affirmation for This Day:

" I release..."


Thursday, September 27, 2012

So Honest It Hurts! Predictions for Now.

  With a Full Moon Rising, emotions are  tense overall, but expect an even  HIGHER SENSE OF URGENCY and DRAMA over this next 7 days or so--  as planets pile up in squares and oppositions.

I dare to say this next 10 days is the highest drama of the year!

What are you hiding? What's NOT OKAY anymore?? What do you need to express? Well, it'll all come pouring out, maybe not in a good way, if you're not careful.   You may want to spend your weekend alone, in quiet contemplation, or on a spiritual retreat!

I know astrology SUGGESTS,  it does not force...but sometimes, it's like saying " there's a mud puddle ahead and you can step around it, and stay clean, but really, your'e mostly gonna just fall over a branch,get really wet ,and come out muddy!!"


Emotions are high this next 10 days. You're scared of..something.. your future.?? The life you  HAVEN'T yet lived? Your own personal truth that you don't want to speak out loud?

These times call for so much honesty it hurts.

Wow..I guess that describes our upcoming Presidential election too,doesn't it!

Still, it's personal. The drama. The edge.

Hunker down. Meditate.Do some physical activity to work out tension.Start accepting your own personal truths,  and begin to own what you WANT.When you start to be  your BEST ,most AUTHENTIC self, you will live in integrity and those who love you for who you really are,will remain.

The rest will fall away.

The Universe, the Great Gods, they don't have an expectation  for you. You are here to be who you WANT TO BE this time around.

Public leader, private artist,  hermit, teacher,mother, or coal miner, it's all about YOU and what YOU WANT.

you're feeling edgy about it..

but it's TIME to go for it...

Affirmation for This Day:

 " I am what I am. "

Bright Blessings!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Presssure and Revolution!

Well, the news this week is to lay low and don't rock that boat.That said, it'll be pretty impossible to keep your mouth shut or your views under wraps.Many of us will be outgoing, pushy and VERBAL about what we think. Facebook doesn't make discretion any easier!

Think before you share!

Moon in Aquarius is chatty and interested in lots of ideas and social shoulder-rubbing,so do go out tonight!

But for the rest of the week, be wary of the Pluto/Uranus square and the Moon's pressure-y aspects too-- it's a time that repeats the energies of the '60's big time.Does anyone remember Kent State??

Ohio is in the news again this week.

This political election brings out the most rebellious energy we've seen in a long time.

 I suggest:  STUDY, THINK, and then Vote. WATCH the debates! We are privileged to live in a democracy.

On the personal level,  let's try to accept the status quo this week in our loved ones and co workers.You're not going  to change anyone with a snarky remark!


"I  think before I speak (or "share!")

Bright Blessings!