Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Moon Signs Predict your NEEDS!

I focus a lot on the Moon because I am a Mooon -Child myself (born June28) and also feel she is very close and easy to relate to-- you can gaze out at La Luna most nights and live your astrology. Also The Moon shifts sign frequently, like your own moods and interests,  and sets the tone of the few days she travels in any one sign.

Your natal placement of the MOON colors what you NEED...

Moon in Aries: needs adventure, change and no one in their way please.
Moon inTaurus: needs beauty,art,music and a gentle touch.Silk sheets too.
Moon in Gemini: needs the latest smart phone! And lots of friends, all age groups.Busy busy busy.
Moon in Cancer: needs home, hearth, a good meal,Mom and some Money in her pocket.
Moon in Leo; needs admiration, lots of play time, and a spotlight please.
Moon in Virgo: needs a community project or a messy room to organize. Also a frequent buyer card at the health food store.
Moon in Libra: needs peace, a piano, and a partner.
Moon in Scorpio: needs a secret to keep,  a lover, and sexy lingerie.
Moon in Sadge: needs new luggage, a plane ticket and an on line class in any topic she feels like.
Moon in Capricorn: needs some people to boss around, needs money in the bank,and
 a big awesome  GOAL.
Moon in Aquarius really doesn't need anything! But enjoys experiments of all kinds and a large social circle of odd ball friends. An underground laboratory appeals,too.
Moon in Pisces: needs a glass of wine, a trip to DisneyLand once a year, and artsy projects to keep her happy. Flowing garments help too.

You are a unique amalgam of your Sun,Moon and Ascendant signs. What "tribe" did you sign up for, what is your Earthly lesson and Purpose this time around? That's what you uncover in your natal chart. The Moon is a good place to start...


"I attract what I NEED!"


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