Monday, March 12, 2012


Two of Water

Today's card ,which will inform the week, if you like, is the Joyful TWO OF WATER in my Gaian deck.

A message to guide your week: Twos are about a CHOICE. You can choose to see and honor the DIVINE in someone, and thereby connect to their highest energies.  A relationship you want to have, will come when you CHOOSE it. You can access your own Joy by opening your Heart chakra, and connecting to the world and others  with a joyful loving heart.

You may find peace and joy with companions of all kinds, including animals and Mother Nature. Spend some time in Nature  this week,to heal  and open your Heart chakra. If you work indoors, I always suggest getting OUTSIDE your lunch break. DO NOT EAT AT YOUR DESK!!

If you work at home-likewise, go OUTSIDE at mid day or sunset and walk around the block or jump on your bike and sing outloud with the wind in your hair!

Honor YOURSELF in all relationships and release co dependent tendencies, to take on what is NOT yours.

Bask in the glow that comes with opening your Heart.

Seek out trusting companions who also see the Divine in YOU!

Bright Blessings for a wonderful week ahead!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Madeline! I used an old monopoly/scrable game board and measured it 2x6 using a box cutter.
    Have fun making the oz calendar!
