Monday, November 12, 2012


What is your passion? your THRILL? What makes your heart beat a tiny bit it when you pick up a paintbrush.. or pull out a bundt pan? When you dig a garden or pack a suitcase....??

Whatever makes you want to leap out of bed in the morining: is your calling.

Many clients  ask "What is my Life Purpose.."

Hints can be found in your astrology chart and in the Tarot when you sit for a spiritual reading.

... but your Heart holds the key.

 .... your Intuition is a guide.

And your Play-time is a BIG HINT.

What do you LOVE TO DO?????


"My life purpose reveals itself ot me.."



Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Weekend!

Jupiter,Mars, and Uranus are in a cosmic dance this weekend  and you're probably feeling the need to shed all constraints as the weekend moves forward.. (starting last night.)  Themes of freedom and experimentation abound. What a wonderful night for a Moon-Dance!!

Moon in Capricorn also gives a push to get things DONE!  So you may find yourself see-sawing between busy projects you want  to get underway or completed, and then topping it all off with a party-fest as the sun goes down..

Well,that sounds like a perfect weekend to me!

We're in the middle of the New Moon cycle that began a week ago--have you found yourself  experiencing  more  Balance and compromise in your relationships and business deals?  Trying for a win-win, rather than having it all your way,will work best. You might find that changing others is pretty impossible; the idea is to CHANGE YOURSELF. YOU are in charge of your reactions to what goes on around you..and it is your choice to linger or burn rubber..

Make time to PLAY today.. I just got back from a one hour bike ride through the mini-ranches in the neighborhood near me. I  visited ponies, a herd of cattle, and stopped to pet the cow who was tied to a tree in front of someone's yard sale.I love old Arizona !!


" My energies are happy and healthy today.I can do anything I set my mind to!!"


Monday, October 8, 2012

A BIT TOO HOT !? Or, not!

 It's a Moon in Leo on Tuesday with a fiery trine to Uranus and Mars meaning Icarus may fly a bit too close to the Sun this next day or so! Hot! Hot! Hot!! Are you living the Vida Loca??!!!!

It might be important to resist an insistent focus on SELF and spend some time on the rest of your tribe. Have some fun, but share the limelight.

It's a social cycle, for sure, and I bet you receive more invitations than usual.Hard to choose.

The Moon is in the natural sign of the Sun, so there's some harmony here, it's just that the band is playing some  pretty loud Dixie Land, not a quiet Bach  concerto! Enjoy the music. Sing along.

I see a busy, mostly positive and upbeat few days ahead, with some focus on fun and creativity.

Yes, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio do bring some sobriety and thoughtfulness to the party, but not much, in my opinion. There's  a lot of FIRE to put out!  And Merc. and Saturn couldn't care less.
( because they  have a lot more time ahead to exert their influence!!!)

I'm a Bon Vivant at heart, I say, Create! Socialize! Buy a new cashmere sweater! Throw a little spotlight on your Self!

Enjoy the spotlight but share it with others as well.

And, remember Icarus. He flew a bit TOO close to the Sun and  had a very messy meltdown!


" I fly high,  and I bring my beloveds along for the ride!!!"

Bright blessings!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Full Moon Feast

Happy Full Moon day. I enjoy Full Moons and usually go out in my backyard for some Moon-gazing and contemplation.The Full Moon usually finishes up some activity or emotional investment we started about 2 weeks ago.  It is  NOT the best time to START a new project.

It's best to start a diet, purchase new clothing or home items, or set new goals  during the NEW MOON phase.

For now, bask in the knowledge that has  just come to Light.  Don't be in a hurry to make a commitment.

Because this Moon is in Aries, you may feel more bold and creative than usual, but this may bump up against an opponent's idea of what you SHOULD be doing.  Everyone wants a piece of you this weekend!!  And YOU want what YOU want.

I like making a nice Full Moon meal during this phase. (I am a Cancerian!) Tonight's  Full Moon Pleasure at my house  is:  Moroccan Chicken with Yellow Squash and garlic spinach. And a good movie.

Why not dish up some sustenance for your friends and family, or treat yourself to a nice meal out with your tribe.. as a celebration? It's a BUSY weekend, not a calm one.. Hospital  E.R.'s will be hopping, so drive carefully and if it's a night on the town,  have a designated driver.

Just  be sure to take time to visit Moon Circles. I love Dana's Three Minute Full Moon rituals.I feel when we stay connected to Mother Nature, we are happier and healthier overall.

So--happy Moon-gazing!



"  I bask in the glow of the Light of the Moon.."


Friday, September 28, 2012

Who's Afraid Of a Scorpion?

I live in Arizona so I'm used to scorpions. Have even been stung a few times and lived to tell the tale. I also grew up with a Scorpio Mom and my husband has many scorpionic aspects in his chart.   So, Saturn's move into this mysterious sign is not scary to me, while many astrology sites are predicting doom and gloom!

I'll talk  more about it in October--but FOR NOW:

Saturn's move through the last few degrees of LIBRA are of more concern.As a practicing astrologer, in my 30+ years of counseling,I see a cascade of change and energy and EVENTS as a planet moves through the FINAL 3 degrees of a sign.

Right now, most of us,regardless of our sun sign, are in a whirlwind of decisions about all kinds of relationships. Love life, work life, where you live, it's all up for grabs,isn't it? The thing is, this is not  a COMFORTABLE time.. the choices mean deep deep  soul searching,because WE SEEM TO KNOW the choices we make will be VERY LONG LASTING in effect!!  And we also sort of wish we didn't have to change the status quo (but we do..)

If you are indecisive person, this is hard. I tend to enjoy setting my course, even changing course in a high wind can be..exhilarating! (For me!)  I am not a fence sitter.

If you are, your comfort zone is being violated!!

Before we move into the mysterious, magical, and deep exploration of Scorpio, finish up what's happening in Libra , before October 5.   Uh- oh-- you don't mean you haven't STARTED!?????

I find that when we do not make necessary changes on our own, the Great Gods will start doing it for  us.I  prefer the illusion that I have something to say about it all!!  So I am proactive.

Really, time is short.. pressure is building,no?

You have nothing to  fear by releasing what isn't a good match for your life energy and your desires right now.You may find you need to clean house, start over, revise and rennovate.

You may even find you are thisclose to finding your AUTHENTIC WAY OF BEING IN THIS WORLD.

Tell me, what MUST you change right now??  And how hard is it?

Affirmation for This Day:

" I release..."


Thursday, September 27, 2012

So Honest It Hurts! Predictions for Now.

  With a Full Moon Rising, emotions are  tense overall, but expect an even  HIGHER SENSE OF URGENCY and DRAMA over this next 7 days or so--  as planets pile up in squares and oppositions.

I dare to say this next 10 days is the highest drama of the year!

What are you hiding? What's NOT OKAY anymore?? What do you need to express? Well, it'll all come pouring out, maybe not in a good way, if you're not careful.   You may want to spend your weekend alone, in quiet contemplation, or on a spiritual retreat!

I know astrology SUGGESTS,  it does not force...but sometimes, it's like saying " there's a mud puddle ahead and you can step around it, and stay clean, but really, your'e mostly gonna just fall over a branch,get really wet ,and come out muddy!!"


Emotions are high this next 10 days. You're scared of..something.. your future.?? The life you  HAVEN'T yet lived? Your own personal truth that you don't want to speak out loud?

These times call for so much honesty it hurts.

Wow..I guess that describes our upcoming Presidential election too,doesn't it!

Still, it's personal. The drama. The edge.

Hunker down. Meditate.Do some physical activity to work out tension.Start accepting your own personal truths,  and begin to own what you WANT.When you start to be  your BEST ,most AUTHENTIC self, you will live in integrity and those who love you for who you really are,will remain.

The rest will fall away.

The Universe, the Great Gods, they don't have an expectation  for you. You are here to be who you WANT TO BE this time around.

Public leader, private artist,  hermit, teacher,mother, or coal miner, it's all about YOU and what YOU WANT.

you're feeling edgy about it..

but it's TIME to go for it...

Affirmation for This Day:

 " I am what I am. "

Bright Blessings!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Presssure and Revolution!

Well, the news this week is to lay low and don't rock that boat.That said, it'll be pretty impossible to keep your mouth shut or your views under wraps.Many of us will be outgoing, pushy and VERBAL about what we think. Facebook doesn't make discretion any easier!

Think before you share!

Moon in Aquarius is chatty and interested in lots of ideas and social shoulder-rubbing,so do go out tonight!

But for the rest of the week, be wary of the Pluto/Uranus square and the Moon's pressure-y aspects too-- it's a time that repeats the energies of the '60's big time.Does anyone remember Kent State??

Ohio is in the news again this week.

This political election brings out the most rebellious energy we've seen in a long time.

 I suggest:  STUDY, THINK, and then Vote. WATCH the debates! We are privileged to live in a democracy.

On the personal level,  let's try to accept the status quo this week in our loved ones and co workers.You're not going  to change anyone with a snarky remark!


"I  think before I speak (or "share!")

Bright Blessings!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I know it's only Tuesday but I want to give you the heads up for the weekend. The Moon will move into the grand explorer sign of Sagittarius and you'll want to hit the road, even before Labor Day weekend is here!!

Plan ahead to get outside, as  Sadge also rules Nature in general.Get onto a lake, a bicycle, out of town if you can. Or--sign up for an interesting class workshop or lecture, as Sadge likes to learn.

All dealings with folks from different countries and cultures will expand your horizons, and you might even whip up an INTERNATIONAL- THEMED pot luck.Like Greek Night or Spanish Tapas or.. old fashioned American Barbecue???

Till then, ride out the tail end of Mars/Saturn in fussy Libra (remember all that compromise I talked about? )--  the MOON is in Libra also-- with all  partnerships it can be too much talk not enough action.. don't negotiate any contracts or agreements till later next week. Win-Win is just not so likely till then.. and a compromise will not please anyone.

And don't forget to go outside at night and do some Moon-gazing of your own!


"I will explore the Natural world this weekend!"


Monday, August 20, 2012

Say it Like You Mean It , Mars!

Mars is a lot more straight-forward in the sign of Scorpio (which is co rules)  and that will apply to all of us!

If you were pussy-footing around trying not to offend or hurt feelings, if your  ideas and comments got taken the wrong way, if you are just plain  tired of compromise, then Mars In Scorpio  will thrill you!

As we begin to move into a new 6 week cycle, Mars in Scorpio sets the steady pace. (Till around Oct. 6.)

We can approach goals in a direct, straightforward manner. We may surprise others and ourselves with our clear cut focus and our stamina.Libra was just not a good fit for the feisty Martian planet!  And some relationships took a beating. Some egos too.

Now, believe it or not, DIRECT and ASSERTIVE communication will solve more problems than the satin glove approach.

Sensitive types are fascinated /repelled by the intensity of Scorpio, but Mars is happy here! Venus is Cancerian aspect  means the more sensitive Cancer/Pisces mermaid types will find much here to their liking..some romantic intrigue, an emotional goal finally faced head on and ACCOMPLISHED.. and,  less meaningless drivel.

Other signs get a boost of physical energy, and a sense of RENEWAL.

Use this 6 weeks to set clear cut emotional goals, to say what you mean, and to brush up on your seduction skills!

If you know what HOUSE this Mars placement has in your own natal chart, you will see LOTS OF ACTION AND DECISION MAKING IN THAT AREA!


"I can see clearly now ..."


Friday, August 17, 2012

Playdates and Power Struggles

I am Leo hear me roar!!

New Moon in Leo heralds a weekend of play,creativity, and romance. Oh sure, there's still a Venus/Pluto opposition  but that can actually add some depth and drama to date night.Why not?  Get out the sexy lingerie!

If you're strapped into a power struggle with a partner at work or in your love life, this weekend you'll claim back some of the Spotlight for yourself.

Leo encourages us to let  the inner child out to play. It's not a good weekend to be a grownup. We want to play hooky from responsibilities, and I say go ahead. The yard work will wait till next weekend. Definitely DO NOT BRING THE BRIEFCASE HOME this weekend!!

Leo encourages up to gamble, to play sports, to make some art or crafts, and to brag a little. We also wanna be entertained!  I don't know about your town but Phoenix is filled with casinos.. they offer  shows as  well as slot machines, so you don't have  to lose money to have a good time.. you can go watch a Michael Jackson show and keep your money in your wallet.

I like to set a new intention at the NEW MOON.A goal I can work on all month.  I'm currently immersed in some large art/craft projects and I'm going to set the intention of WORKING ON MY ART every single day all month (till the next New Moon..)

A Saturn/Mars aspect also give us an opportunity to bring some STRUCTURE to our energies and activities.I moved this summer and have not got a new "routine" figured's frustrating! (I have an orderly natal Moon in Capricorn and a dreamy Pisces rising.. )  I am using the weekend to make up a loose/flexible weekly routine that will help me reach my goals and harness my energies.

I want time for cooking,exercising, making art, and date nights with my spouse.

This weekend, a PLAYFUL approach to all of it will serve you and me, the best.

So what's YOUR NEW MOON INTENTION? Line it us with Leo qualities and enjoy!


"Play is good for me!"



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moon over Miami, and Phoenix, and Philly, and.....

Moon in Cancer joins Venus today. Nesting,nurturing, and sensitive feelings are in focus. Speak softly. Take care of yourself.Bake a pie with summer strawberries.

Get a massage.

Give a massage!

Visit an art gallery or a crafts store (that's  what I will be doing today!)

Start an art project.

Paint a bedroom or a kitchen.

Make a special dinner to share with friends,family,Fido.

As this Moon cycle runs down on its way to a new Moon,think about what you've accomplished  since the last New Moon about a month ago.

Begin to set some new intentions for the upcoming New Moon cycle in Leo.Goals related to fun,creativity,children, and self-Love.


"I spend time in quiet reflection and creativity."



Monday, August 13, 2012

Be Square: Tension and Beauty

In the world of astrology a "square" aspect creates tension.Certain elements of life don't
BLEND very well.. and Venus in Cancer, a sweet and gentle placement, is at odds with Uranus and Pluto--two heavy hitters of the zodiac who don't always "play well with others."

Venus wants a  soulful kiss, Pluto would just  as soon give you the cold shoulder. And Uranus will stick a cosmic foot out and trip you on the way to the  beauty shop!

I say, to make the most of this time, shine your own Light brightly.Don't let others color your world view with their own doom and gloom! Don't take the "blame" or let anyone make you the heavy.

Concentrate on the serene aspect of a watery Venus.. put on your most comfy pretty clothes, the ones that make you feel like a Princess or a Queen, preen a little, spoil yourself a Lot,  and put your best Self forward.

If you're a natural optimist, you'll find someone who wants to burst your bubble.If you're more on the dour side of the fence,well, you may benefit from a dose of your friend's optimism this week!!  (The world as we know it is NOT going to end on December 21,2012!!!!)

I like that Mercury is now direct and at least we're not giving MIXED messages, losing things or  shouting curses at our computer meltdowns!

A Bright Spot coming soon will be the New Moon! Stay tuned!


" No one can put out my natural Light!"



Friday, August 10, 2012

Astrology Goes Live

Happy Friday! My favorite method of teaching the energy of astrology is to have students spend an evening watching the night sky.Or having a picnic under the Full Moon. Or plotting the phases of La Luna on a handmade calendar for a year.

This weekend, you have a chance to enjoy a "free show" when the Perseids meteor shower makes its yearly appearance in the night sky.Because the Moon is small this time,  the chances of a nice display are great!

Grab a friend, lover  and/or your favorite furry companion,pack a picnic basket and enjoy Mother Nature's show, tomorrow night from midnight to 2 AM is best, but if you prefer sunrise, then wait till Sunday morning from 2 AM to sunrise time.



"I am a part of the ALL thAT IS."



Thursday, August 9, 2012

Love,Light and Royalty

Mercury is able to express the regal attitude of Leo a lot better now that he is direct. You may find a release of some tensions in all communications, but pride  and egos still may  create some pushy moments with friends and co workers.

Best use of this energy: Be the QUEEN (or King) of your OWN life!

Venus does make some squared off aspects in her sweet sojourn through the watery sign of Cancer, but  I see the tensions as  potentially stimulating. Look for Pluto aspects to bring a long lost love back into focus, or secrets to come out of the closet.  Deep emotions and yearnings must come forward now. Don't shy away from the hard stuff in relationships.

Uranus in aspect means anything goes.. all manner of  surprises in the areas I mentioned in yesterday's blog.  (Read your sun sign and your rising sign.) Uranus and venus often stimulate a few short, this weekend, why not take an unscheduled  getaway to refresh your spirit! If water is involved, all the better!

And, if you have ever felt drawn to being a LightWorker, studying astrology,tarot, or healing, now is a good time to find an in person or online class or mentor.


" My INNER QUEEN guides my decisions today."



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Venus Predictions for the Signs

Aaaahhhhh..Mercury is direct! I'd wait a couple more days before buying equipment,computers,cars, and if  possible,signing anything very important unless it has already been in process.

What I love about this Astrological cycle is: Venus in Cancer. Wherever Venus lands in your own natal chart, you'll be relaxing, nurturing, beautifying, and mabe even figuring out how to  create an attitude of INCREASE. Love and passion make an appearance but you won't see the Siren, it's more of a gentle Angel who may appear at the doorstep.

This is a 4 week aspect.

Read your RISING SIGN (ASCENDANT) also if you know it:

Aries: Venus in 4th means you're sprucing up your house and garden. Minor renovations and color changes. Add candles and soften the areas where you spend the most time.Expect family members to be very cozy just now.

Taurus: Venus smiles on your Sun sign and third house.. you'll enjoy new friendships and your immediate daily routines will undergo a change of schedule.. look for new opportunities for socializing. You look good haircut?

Gemini: Venus blesses your pocketbook and you may receive a small windfall that you decide to spend on frivolous, delicious stuff that tickles your fancy. You may take singing lessons or make music.

Cancer: Venus in your home sign is cuddly.You may not want to leave the house, and you're a bit self centered on your appearance, new clothing, a tweak in the way you present yourself to the world. Good time for  complete make-over.

Leo: In the 12th house of secrets, you may be involved in an affair of the heart that could come back and bite you! CAREFUL!! Use this transit to broaden your spiritual quest and read some inspirational books or poetry.

Virgo: 11th house Venus brings  you some new friendships that you may meet through a family member. Invite people into your home for entertaining and maybe even some political debate! You may be getting anxious to start helping elect the new President.

Libra: Venus in 10 gives you an urge to beautify your workplace, to make the environment where you spend time every day, more pleasing and comfortable. Bring in some flowers, maybe even music if the situation lends itself.There may be many parties and celebrations in the  workplace this 4 weeks. You are the peacemaker.

Scorpio: Travel,baby! It may not be long distance trips, but this 4 weeks is great for short ventures not to far from home.Being around water is inspirational right now.Streams,oceans, waterfalls, hot tubs. A late summer getaway refreshes your spirit!

Sadge:  You feel the inclination to express your sensuous side! There may be a small windfall in the form of a gift or some money,from a significant other or family member. You may attend some psychic events or fairs, or be given a spiritual book to read. Go with that thought!

Capricorn: It's a great 4 weeks with Venus in 7, to spoil your loved one. Or to go OUT and find a loved one! Partnerships of all kinds, including business, are blessed and easy. Expect others to listen and follow your  experienced  advice.

Aquarius: You will be called upon to volunteer or head up an important work force event. You'll sense your humanitarian nature being activated and you wonder how you can express your true purpose on the job. Venus makes it a gentle exploration, not pushy.

Pisces: Venus in a water sign and in our 5th lends itself to play,  and creative bursts of energy.If you ever wanted to start a business with your hobby, now is the time! Massage,tarot,astrology,art,music,dance..which is it for you???

Enjoy this Venus cycle. For a detailed look at your own natal chart and where all the planets are taking you--give me a call!





Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bold Adventures with Pluto Uranus and Venus

With Venus, Uranus and Pluto lining up towards a T-square in the sky, you can expect radical people from the past to show up in unusual ways. Your life may be jarred out of complacency by sudden events that stir up your love life! If you're single, you might be looking for love in all the wrong places. I'd say, why not upgrade your dating habits NOW before this square gets tight?  Release scary people and work on meeting successful folks vs. the  needy!

If you're attached,expect a possible release of jealousy, or excuse me, that could be passion.

It'll be hard to tell the difference in the coming month..

 A certain amount of creative tension may have you pulling out the paintbrushes or whatever creative outlet you used to enjoy--  you could have some interesting encounters if you sign up for a class related to those hobbies.

Today, as part of my Tarot practice, I pulled the card "The Fool." This is a signal to let go and trust. To start anew. To be childlike in your wonder and your expectations. I like to believe the Fool has enough experience to go safely into his adventures.. so.. go ahead, go boldly where no man has gone before..

Just be careful who you take  along for the ride!!!

"I explore."



Monday, August 6, 2012

just Spit it Out! Aries Moon--feisty prediction

Venus  in Cancer, Mercury direct, and a Moon in Aries.Woo hoo! I  try to avoid astro-jargon since I feel my readers are friends, not  necessarily fellow astrologers (who know all this tech stuff  already!) I want you to have FUN at my site!  And, USE the info in your real, day to day life!

So-- starting tomorrow--  August 7 and 8 bring new signs: Venus in Cancer heightens the senses and can make a STAY-CATION  a lot of fun. Embellish your home, your patio, your,  ah-hem ,bedroom.. (red scarves over the lamp, nice undies, fantasies, you get my drift??) and relax into easy bliss without the commute! Take a cooking class with friends or lovers..   A Wine Tasting at the local wine emporium..close to home.. or, at least, fire up the barbecue.

Mercury moving forward means you can purchase the car, I-Pad, sign the documents, and just let go of old business.

Moon in Aries: I have a slew of Cancer/Cappy/Libra stuff in my own chart, so Aries energy is ALWAYS disruptive to me..  (I just try to hide under a rock!) but for many, this Moon is a chance to start anew.. we all feel kinda feisty,outspoken... privileged and self-centered over  the next few days.. as a Moon Child,   I don't enjoy that very much, but hey! It's an Aries Moon! the Moon is fickle, and
if you don't like today,well, "tomorrow,tomorrow it's only a day away! "

But TODAY and the immediate TOMORROW says:

Fire Signs (Aries,Leo,Libra)  Say it OUTLOUD! Get your word in,NOW!

Water Signs (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces) RUN FOR COVER!

Air Signs (Gemini, Sadge, Aquarius) you're not really listening anyway-- tune out and follow your own "drummer.."

Earth Signs (Taurus,Virgo,capricorn) My goodness you'll get a lot done!

 AFFIRMATION FOR THIS DAY: (and tomorrow!)
Get your INNER FIRE on!


Saturday, August 4, 2012


With a watery Pisces Moon we're in a heightened state of emotions. Our dreams seem more real than the day we're slogging through.You may feel a slowed down pace pulling on your heels, and my advice is to go with the flow. Can you spend time this weekend with your journal,making a piece of art, or interpreting your dreams?

You'll get more useful information from your dreams and intuition vs. your BFF's right now, who are "Lost" on their own island. Share a glass of wine this evening, but don't take their advice!

Mercury goes direct in the wee hours of August 8, so expect some glitches to begin to to appear.

There's some relationship pressure brewing with Mars approaching Saturn in Libra. We're all examing who and what is near and dear to us. Libra seeks balance. Often, compromise is called for. Any dealings with "others" (that included business partners, bankers,spouses, partners of all kinds) requires a "deal" not an ultimatum!

I enjoy the water Moons--they are a blessing of heightened intuition and feeling mode.If you're an Earth sign you may feel ungrounded.If you're Fire, you get very impatient with the rest of us, and if you are Air you will use this Moon to give Spirit to your ideas... water signs feel "in their element."

However you use this energy, if you spend a little time near some water you'll make the most of it..a stream, a pool, hey! Even a nice long bubble bath!

Dream on!


"I allow my intuition full reign today."


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Free Spirits and Holidays

The Full Moon will brighten the sky tomorrow evening and your spirit as well.In Aquarius, with nice Jupiter and Uranus aspects, we move away from over-serious thoughts and begin to see the big picture. We're sensing there is a higher purpose to all the events surrounding us.

Look for resolution of issues  or plans that cropped up about 2 weeks ago.

In Aquarius, the urge for freedom and revolution is in the air.  Your creativity is high and you'll take the road less traveled!

Today and tomorrow, experiment a little. Try the outrageous solution to a problem instead  of the tried and true.

August 1 is a holy-day to earth religions.Lammas is the celebration of the first harvest. I love harvest holidays because we're not  supposed to be planting or planning or thinking ahead.. it is time to  relax with friends and family and to CELEBRATE the fruits of our labor! This is a day to celebrate the rewards of whatever you set in motion back around February.If your bounty is small or large, bless it and enjoy it.

Tonight mix up a dinner of lots of  summer's fruits and veggies and give thanks for any prosperity you enjoy.

As always,I advise going OUTDOORS (yes even in 107 degree heat,wait till the sun goes down!) and making Mother Nature a part of your celebrations.A quick dip in the pool, or a mountain stream, or just an evening gazing up at La Luna.


"I am so thankful for every  large small wonderful sign of prosperity in  my life! "


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy Moon and Romance

This Moon in Sadge is a lighter,  happier Moon than the previous moon in Scorpio.Deep thought and "issues" give way to a desire to shrug it all off and "play."

I've been on retreat in my mountain cabin,communing with the javelina, elk, and eagles. It's been raining and the sounds of rolling thunder make the evenings mysterious and moist.

Your weekend will be tinged with a desire for the freedom of the open road: Get outside! Take a road trip, a picnic, at LEAST a bike ride. (This morning, I got lost in  my old SUV, in the woods, rocky roads, a few flooded washes to cross,  with no phone, no sneakers, and no water..but I made it back to civilization..hey! Sadge  urges you  into EXPLORING.. I was out looking for yard sales and got..well, adventurous! )

Saturn  and Venus is aspect also suggest that you may be in contact with a few serious relationship decisions, and/or meet up with some older wiser or at least responsible parnters. (But - the Moon in Sadge doesn't want to slow down long enough for too much drama..)

I say play, stretch your muscles and maybe invite a trusted friend or lover for a wine or coffee date this evening.

I'll be back on Monday!


"I have the resources to survive any adventures I attempt!"


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Not Your Usual Summer


The impact of the T-Square in the sky is still with us, and I imagine it will be for some time.Between now and the end of September, you will likely be dealing with issues , relationships and life changes that came up during this past month. 

Some days you feel like an "alien"-- drifting from activity to activity, work to home to the same old replay of discussions that have driven you and your loved ones nuts for about  3 years!

The time could be ripe for recovery. If you examine what is most important to you NOW, and work on releasing what's been pulled out from under you, you'll find the true diamonds left behind.

The planet keeps on turnin' and if you accept that it's not going to be like it "used" to be, and embrace change and re-invention, you can thrive.

But it takes courage and a deep,honest look within.Happiness is, after all, an inside job.

And isn't that what it's all about--  we want to feel authentic, not "alien" , we want to wake up with a smidgen of Joy and Anticipation, not dread.

If you're feeling out of sorts lately, August will be an excellent time for a retreat. Find a way to sneak away for a weekend or a week,to a place in nature that feeds your Soul.Bring journals, inspirational books or podcasts, and Feed Your Spirit.

These times call for courage and authenticity. 

Who are you,  REALLY???


" I open my heart to my authenticity."



Friday, July 20, 2012

Artsy Fartsy Friday

With the New Moon in aspect to Venus and Uranus and  retro. Mercury in aspect too,I see possibilities for outrageous creativity! It is a nice weekend to attend an art fair, visit the galleries in your town, or pick up a paintbrush and see what you can fling onto the canvas! You may be a spending mood too, so watch the pocketbook if you are on a budget.

Sparks fly in the area of romance as well. An out-of-the blue  invitation may pop us today and all through the weekend. Act on impulse!

As Mercury is retrograde, you may get  a surprise communication out of the past. Be prepared for high emotions.

I'm going to spend time today on my mixed media art projects and I am hoping for an interesting phone call tonight.

How is your weekend shaping up?


"I am open to surprise!"



Thursday, July 19, 2012

Protection and Retreat

With the Moon in Cancer, I am thinking about the theme of protection. The sign of Cancer is the crab, who will retreat into that shell if the world gets too snarky!

I'd say the signs of Cancer and Pisces are the most thin-skinned of the zodiac, but all signs have the potential to be "stepped on" or have their feelings hurt!

The position and sign of your MOON is also an indicator of your emotions and how much you can take.

As you explore the ideas of the spiritual world, and work on living in the "flow" you'll find more and more that you desire and enjoy the company of folks whose energy is similar to your own.

You may find you need to protect your own good spirit by turning off the volume when your gossipy or complaining friends start up!  As you grow, over time, you won't want to spend much time with them anyway.

As you explore and reach out (I HOPE!) you will find your "TRIBE.." and the need for "protection" diminishes.

I attended a spiritual/art  group gathering recently and there were a few energy vampires in the mix. I found the creative, artistic souls who enjoy what  I enjoy, and hung out with them.   And I'm making some new friends.

You can RELAX around people whose energy is similar to yours. Yes, opposites can attract, but on the deeper level, beneath "personality," lies the CORE, the VALUES that bring you together or, will tear you apart. That goes for friendships and all relationships.

I don't spend a lot of time with people  whose VALUES are dramatically different than mine! For instance,I respect my elders. I went to a restaurant with someone who actually PUSHED an elder aside to get to the table she wanted! I don't do lunch with her anymore!!! We can't compromise on values.

Of course we can enjoy a vibrant mix of personalities in our social circle,  and we don't always need some to agree with us, but on the primal ENERGY level, it is much more comfortable to hang with the "tribe" that matches our Soul Purpose.

While the Moon is in Cancer, think about how you protect your Spirit from abuse or discomfort. Have you found your "tribe?" With whom can you let down your hair and relax?? What do you do  for retreat and rejuvenation when you are overwhelmed? (Watch a good movie, have a glass of wine ,read a good romance novel..???)

Is it time to meet some new people and make new friends?  This New Moon is a good support for that!


"I find my Tribe."


480 204 3562

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Astrological Tarot readings

What is an Astrological Tarot reading?

Well, I am a Rosicrucian -trained Astrologer and I also developed psychic/intuitive insights as I studied the Tarot.

I always combine the two in my readings with clients.

I will discuss your Life Path and Potential as pointed out by your Moon Sign,Sun, Ascendant and planetary cycles .

Then I lay out the gorgeous TAROT CARDS (I use many decks, it depends what I "feel" that day!) Lately I am using my Gaian Deck and OSHO deck a lot.

I start with a 12 card layout which is all the houses of the zodiac.This way I can interpret the cards WITHIN the framework of what I know about astrology.

The Moon in your FIRST HOUSE (1st card in layout) would say to me you are considering changing your mind about something extremely important and also going to make a dramatic change in your appearance (new hair color style or dress..) You may also be harboring a secret you need to unload. 

The Two of Swords in the 6th card/house says to me you have to choose between 2 paths of work and service. A job change, maybe an uncomfortable one lies directly ahead.You can't see straight! You don't have  all the information yet. I'd say slow down,wait,if you can! 

Get the picture?

I give you all my info first then you can ask me questions.

Some of my clients come just once or twice a year for an overview of the future.

Some clients use the hour readings for  coaching/counseling. I am currently doing a series of 3  one hour sessions with a young woman who has some important career and moving decisions to make and wants to discuss strategies and possibilities. Based on HER natural talents,strengths and weaknesses as shown in her chart. (She has much Cancerian and  will probably be needing to stay close to home and roots rather than move to the east coast. The better money offer is there, but she is hesitant..  She has given me permission to share that much..) 

Check out my Readings Page if you're interested.
If I do say so myself, my readings are unique and I  bring my compassion and my Spirit Guides to each session!


Cancerian New Moon and Goals

Late tonight and into tomorrow morning, the New Moon in Cancer heralds a time for goal-setting. I enjoy rhythms and routines, and the New Moon each month is a healthy way to reset intentions and goals.

In the homey sign of Cancer, this New Moon makes some stressful aspects to the rest of the sky, still, I believe the New Moon all by itself offers a window of opportunity.

Questions I am asking at this New Moon: What am I doing to enhance my "place.." my "roots," the people and places  I come home to at the end of the day. How am I honoring and appreciating that place and that tribe?

Maybe I should have some close friends or family over for a pot luck on Thursday or Friday?

Maybe I can schedule a "retreat" weekend where I stick close to home and cook,do some art, hang out with my cat,kid and significant other.. Hibernate,  take an herbal bath or two, lock the rest of the world away?

Maybe you just need to clean and re organize your personal space???

How can I release the pressures and obligations of this week without hurting others? Or myself?

What compromises are in order?

I am liking this new Moon.I believe that with the nurturing,reclusive sign of Cancer, we can heal from the crazed energy of the past few days. If we steer clear of personal conflicts with others! CHILL!!!!

So what are YOUR intentions for this next Moon cycle??

Bright Blessings and Peace,

Madeline Hill
Astrologer/Tarot counselor

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chaos or Opportunity?


Welcome Tuesday! I'm as busy as the rest of you, what with the cosmic dance party happening. None of us get to be wallflowers.  I promise you, you WILL be talking,planning, organizing or, I'm sorry, maybe even arguing with SOMEONE during this planet phase. (Libra)  I bet the issues relate to home and family, to your lifestyle, and there is some career angst thrown in the mix.(Cancerian energy.)

Let's just hope the disc jockey in the sky plays YOUR favorite tune, soon!

Personally,I'm not great at compromise, with a lot of cardinal signs in my chart I tend to think I have the best idea! LOL! But this week calls for divine compromise.Get better at LISTENING! 

When you can't see what's happening, have you ever thought about going up to a higher view? Maybe you're just not seeing the WHOLE PICTURE?

If you climb up a mountain, you can suddenly see all over the entire valley. I climbed on a ladder the other day to fix something in my back yard, and suddenly, I could see EVERYTHING in all my neighbor's back yards!  I immediately knew a a whole lot more about my new  neighbors ( I just moved.)

(Now I am not advocating Peeping Tom behavior..just sayin'..when you go up higher, MUCH MORE INFORMATION is available.)

A more acceptable way to "go to a higher view" is to learn how to meditate, contemplate, and pray. Spiritual practice, done on a regular basis, helps life you to the higher ground. You don't have to dress in a turban and spend an hour a day. How about a 10 minute sit-down in a comfy chair, just before you leave the house each morning.Just close your eyes, and do some slow deep easy breaths and let your body mind and spirit calm down and unwind. Drift. Over time maybe you can do it a little longer, or maybe after work is better.

I also love to get in sync with the MOON of the day, and celebrate New and Full Moons.Here is a link to a site I LOVE.. I do the short ritual every month-- Dana has done all the work for you--so, start with this New Moon..and find your higher ground ..


You'll find you might enjoy the view!


'I lift myself up."



Monday, July 16, 2012

The Sky is Dancing! predicts for THIS week.

Whew! This week is a real jitterbug of energy. Put on your dancing shoes!!

If you cherish calm and easy times, well, you better crawl under a rock this week.  However, as most of  my readers know,  my generally optimistic nature always finds some diamonds amongst the here goes:

Breakdowns, breakthroughs, rediscoveries, and re inventions. (Tired already!!??)  You can't hang on to the past or the old ideas any longer!!!

But what happens when you toss out the garbage?? You end up with a whole closet full of space to FILL UP WITH MORE APPROPRIATE stuff. Stuff you use. Stuff you cherish. Maybe even leave a few empty shelves to fill in LATER. If you don't clean your own closets, a (metaphoric or actual)  hurricane may come along and do it for you!!

I see the Mars Pluto contact as being  an instigator! Throw in a backwards Mercury and  New Moon in stress to Libra planets.. and take a deep breath! Many of my clients and facebook friends are in frantic mode.It seems a WHOLE LOT OF STUFF needs to be CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, RE-INVENTED,  and Re-THOUGHT. Kind of like,NOW!

I  still like the New Moon on Wednesday, as she is in the homey sign of Cancer and that puts the focus on your ROOTS, what's really important to you.Set some new goals with your home and family in mind.Cancer is also a CARDINAL SIGN opposite the 10th house, so CAREER MATTERS can also be up for a SWIFT Recalibration or Reinvention.

Mars and Pluto make it all rather dramatic and noisy, but hey! When the air clears your whole life might look really different!

Not ready?

Well, certain aspects of change are around till the year 2015 so you do have a while to get used to the chaos!

We can't CONTROL every detail of the future, but we CAN set our intentions and take the action steps to get where we want to in life. Then, learn to adjust along the way as a few chaotic events surprise you!!

Learning to meditate is a good idea too!!


"I navigate change with grace."



Friday, July 13, 2012

Dancing Backwards in the Sky

When the  planets go retrograde they are not "really" moving backwards.It is an apparent backward movement.but I don't spend a lot of time on the astro jargon on my blog.I calculate so I can share WHAT IT MEANS, here!

Today, the URANUS retrograde station is creating some edgy rebellion all the way around. You won't be following the latest craze, it's  more of an inward peek at your own GYPSY SOUL.. what parts of you need to "dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand wavin' free??"


This energy is not a "today" kinda thing.It's time to incorporate some of the
wild,creative side of yourself into your daily living patterns, for good!

You won't be able to help yourself.Uranus always causes events,people, and opportunities that you didn't really see coming--so be open to surprise. These aspects are upsetting to people who loathe CHANGE. So, if you're one of those, strap yourself in!

 I happen to have a very active Uranus  in my natal chart, so my WHOLE LIFE has been like that (and continues to be..) I simply do not plan on ANYTHING staying the same for long!! (Constant reinvention!)

Mercury  also starts a  retro.  period tomorrow.I take those transits with a grain of salt.It's important to know, but not life changing.Just be careful NOT to buy a car or a computer. And avoid signing documents that can wait.

On the flip side, Mercury retrograde is an awesome time for finding lost articles or people, and for REVISING the manuscript, or other plans you've already had in progress.

It's not a bad idea to start thinking about the Cancerian NEW MOON coming up, too.. but I'll get to that tomorrow!!


 "I embrace the gypsy in my Soul!"


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Predictions for Sensuous Moon in Taurus time

Moon in the silky sensuous sign of Taurus signals  a few nights of blissful dreams and yearnings.A desire towards beauty wherever you can find it! In Taurus, the Moon inspires us to enjoy the feel of fresh sweet clean sheets, light the sandalwood candles, and maybe cook a gourmet meal or two.

I love Moon in Taurus time.I open the special bottle of Chardonnay. I wear the flowiest blouse. I light a new candle. And tonight,I cooked a fragrant mushroom risotto and set a sumptuous table.

I simply PUT OFF all the unpleasant chores  I was supposed to do and got ..well,INDULGENT...

For this Moon,I predict..sensuous moments, great food, and maybe a shopping spree..

TELL ME.. how will you celebrate the Taurus Moon?Are there times during a  lunar month when you feel MORE sensuous,indulgent and hedonistic??

Tell me.....


" I revel in the beauty all around me.."



Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I recently read an article about astrologers getting "no respect" as Rodney Dangerfield would say! I had to laugh out loud!

 What's new about that,and who cares??

 Since I am also one of the tarot readers and power animal intuitives,too,fitting in with mainstream folks has never really been a goal or an option for this Pisces rising soul! My readings are unique..while I have studied serious astrology with an acclaimed Rosicrucian master, she also taught principles that honed my psychic abilities, my communication with the animal kingdom, my dreams, and spirit guides, so I must include all this in my readings. And I do.

 The worlds of intuition and astrology often meet at the dark crossroads under the cloak of the Goddess.

I love how unique it is to be an astrologer,tarot counselor and intuitive. Trying to separate those gifts and skills or blending into the mainstream would ruin the delightful,colorful,creative Life I live "on the fringe!"

 It would also put limits on what I offer in my special readings.

 Affirmation for Today: I embrace EVERYTHING that is unique about me!!! 



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aries Moon is edgy and assertive

Today's Moon in Aries makes for an edgy "let's get it done" mood. Lots of old projects are piling up, aren't they? You wish you could continue on with the nice Moon in Pisces 'float" but it's time to get down to business!

The next few days will bring a flurry of work,  phone calls, contracts, stuff to solve with brothers, sisters and close friends, and oh,I forgot, the BOSS IS BREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK!

How to chill? Well,I live in  Arizona so that is practically IMPOSSIBLE, but I have a feeling a margarita date with friends might do the trick!

Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is causing a rash of CREATIVITY to break out ALL OVER.. you might also find yourself enjoying some down time with your favorite art projects or your book club friends..


"I take it all in!"



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Full Moon Madness

Fireworks are just the half of it this fourth of July! Uranus and Pluto square off and one way to process this energy is to give in  to your unique, eccentric qualities and interests. Find a way to express yourself today.And expect the unexpected in relationships as Mars moves into Libra.

You're ready for your love life to be like your favorite fairy tale, but that's not likely unless you do the inner work required to BE a good partner.THEN you'll attract one.

Ponder the natural beauty all around you, and try to get out in nature today,especially for the FULL MOON sky-show this evening.


" I am an original!"



Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Full Moon Predicts Deep Emotions

Best way to experience the energy of a Full Moon is to go outside and moon-bathe in it! You'll need some extra  guidance this week, as the Full Moon conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus.Mars enters Libra and many of us are having push-pull feelings of wanting INNER PEACE and ADVENTURE AND CHANGE all at the same time!

Today,you'll find that  a practical approach,reviewing the  FACTS OF THE MATTER can help.

Mars energy is causing us to see the parts of Life that are not as beautiful, balanced, and fulfilling as we want. We are afraid to stir up the pot, but inside we are seething to DO JUST THAT. This causes tension in relationships!

What's a human to do?

Well, explore what is keeping you from what you want.
FOCUS ON SELF. Try hard not to blame OTHERS for what is not working in YOUR life!

CREATE beauty and charming energy around you: Paint a room, buy yourself some flowers, revise your wardrobe to be more comfortable  and expressive. (summer sales going on right now!)

Right before our national holiday begins, you may have to tie up some loose ends in business  and  on the job.Don't forget to put the holiday message on the business phone, and get the bills paid.

Go out tonight even for a few minutes, gaze UP at La Luna and wonder to yourself: How can I attract the relationships I need and desire, to create more happiness and harmony  in my life?


"I attract excellence!"


Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday,Monsoons, Moony Predictions

It's Moony Monday and since I am a Cancerian I am always watching the Moon....she moves quickly, so her moods are fleeting, and not as consequential as a longer transiting planet such as Pluto or Uranus (more on those two later this week..) but she does color the energy of the day... and we can use that energy to go with the flow...

Today's mood is a  cheerful, optimistic and "play hooky" kind of energy.  I know I have to go to the office, but I am ditching out early to get a pedicure.  There is a sort-of important business matter I would LOVE to solve before we go on vacation Wednesday but I don't see it happening today. I am learning to be much more Type B in business,  and in life, this year!  (How about you??)

Make time today to be festive.To talk about life, love, and the future, with friends,  maybe enjoy a quick and easy take out supper, and just ease into the week.

Prediction for the week: The FULL MOON in Capricorn tomorrow will illuminate an important decision you made 2 weeks ago.What's up with that???


"I relax,  and I appreciate the change of  life's seasons.."



Sunday, July 1, 2012


Moon in is the sign of Sadge, the archer,  this evening and into better believe NO ONE will have their  mind on their work !! This is the sign of travel, discovery, distant destinations. Have you got your bags packed for the Fourth of July break ALREADY!??!  Or at least the BBQ grill at the ready??   (Me too!!)

Tonight and tomorrow, go ahead and finalize travel plans and get in touch with  important people who may be in another location .  Coordinate schedules, get the car in good mechanical shape, double check airline tickets, all this weekend and into tomorrow!  If you're playing at home over the holiday,clean up your patios and living spaces so friends can spread out and have a good time!

Go to the local INDEPENDENT bookstore and get those summer reading materials. Charge up the Kindle.

If you've been needing some time to THINK ABOUT what you believe in lately, you may have some spiritual moments today and tomorrow too.

I like to spread my spirituality out through the whole week but it's always a good idea to set aside some sacred time once a week for a ritual, burn a candle, attend a service, or be with friends who share your soulful ideas. If nothing else, read a few pages of  Marianne Williamson  or Wayne Dyer for inspiration, then,HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT cause it's a busy, celebratory week ahead!!

In the spirit of Sadge,I am reviving my "AFFIRMATION FOR THIS DAY" in my blogs!


"I appreciate time off to just play and renew myself!



Saturday, May 5, 2012

SuperMoon and Super Weekend

Tonight's Full Moon in Scorpio will be a stunner.I have a patio picnic planned, so me and the dear husband can enjoy a glass of wine and some appetizers from Trader Joe and do a little Moon gazing at 7 PM when the Moon should rise big and bold and bright, over the horizon.

It's in Scorpio, with tedious aspects to boot, that are creating a lot of intense and yes, crabby, difficult emotional swings. So--what to do? Astrology does not COMPEL you to action--it's a "heads up!" You can go with the flow and allow intense feelings to swallow you up (maybe You NEED to purge!?) or-- you can be aware, and plan a relaxed time with close friends, sweeties, etc. and raise a toast to the "powers that Be.." and try to just  ride the high tide..

If a tsunami is coming,  (and this Moon plus a coming eclipse may well bring some dynamic weather and earth shaking news..) well, save up some food and water  in your garage, and then go have a martini!

What ELSE can you do??

 On a mundane note, The weekend will bring some important matters to fruition.Stuff you started 2 weeks ago may be  finished  up now.. or at least great gains can be made.

Scorpio Moon also tweaks your psychic senses. A great weekend to have a reading, attend a spiritual function or just read a book about developing your own Psychic Potentials.

Sounds like a real smorgasbord of activity-- which will YOU choose??

Bright Blessings and Peace,


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Maybe it's just me, but I sure like the conjunction of Mercury and Uranus.Sure, it may cause a few outspoken flare ups.  But I prefer feisty people to wallflowers, so get your Rosanna Danna Bannana on.

Seriously , this is a great time for flashes of  insight and even pure genius that illuminate the previously  dark and hidden.  (or just plain boring..) Your bright ideas might be just what the world needs .

Expect some  frantic communications from siblings. Drive a wee bit more carefully. And do consider   taking a few action steps  on some of your eccentric ideas.

It's  time to break down the barriers of complacency.The boredom of the "too familiar." Try something outrageous. (but don't sue me if you sprain your ankle..) I guess I'm supposed to  issue a disclaimer.


INNOVATE at your own risk!

Break out of your cubicle and don't blame me if you get fired.

Maybe some exotic travel has become necessary. Dream large, talk about it, and then, for Heaven's Sakes, do something about it!

Brightest Blessings!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chatty Little Moon

Hopefully you survived the NEW MOON IN ARIES last week! Do your new goals and intentions for this month have a decidedly selfish edge to them?? Well,GOOD FOR YOU!

It's been a hectic, erratic 10 day period, and that new moon didn't do a thing to calm anyone down! You're STILL sorting through a few messes you made, aren't you??!

Well,today and tomorrow you'll  have a chance with the Moon in Gemini, to talk it over, write a thank you note or an apology! And expect the phone, texts and emails to overflow.

In fact, we are down right distracted during a Gemini Moon, and it's best used for rather superficial socializing and getting out and about town (example:happy hour with the pals..)

If you're a writer, focus on fast drafts, no edits. Just let it all hang out. Revise later.

You'll find on Thursday as the evening rolls around,  your moods and emotions will deepen and you'll be more in the mood for family,romance, and some introspective time.

But for today and  tomorrow, what are you waiting for: Call up your besties and schedule an impromptu gathering..the more the merrier!



Monday, March 12, 2012


Two of Water

Today's card ,which will inform the week, if you like, is the Joyful TWO OF WATER in my Gaian deck.

A message to guide your week: Twos are about a CHOICE. You can choose to see and honor the DIVINE in someone, and thereby connect to their highest energies.  A relationship you want to have, will come when you CHOOSE it. You can access your own Joy by opening your Heart chakra, and connecting to the world and others  with a joyful loving heart.

You may find peace and joy with companions of all kinds, including animals and Mother Nature. Spend some time in Nature  this week,to heal  and open your Heart chakra. If you work indoors, I always suggest getting OUTSIDE your lunch break. DO NOT EAT AT YOUR DESK!!

If you work at home-likewise, go OUTSIDE at mid day or sunset and walk around the block or jump on your bike and sing outloud with the wind in your hair!

Honor YOURSELF in all relationships and release co dependent tendencies, to take on what is NOT yours.

Bask in the glow that comes with opening your Heart.

Seek out trusting companions who also see the Divine in YOU!

Bright Blessings for a wonderful week ahead!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

FULL MOON VIRGO - Energies of this Day

The Full Moon in Virgo this evening brings energy of repair and renewal.You may be examining the parts of your physical routines which are not as productive as the could be.This is a good day to  revise your meal plan, to rethink your exercise routines, and to review what your service to humanity might be.

Not all of us work for non profits who are saving the planet, but in your daily life, there are always opportunities to be of service in your community. Can you take in the trash can for your neighbor? Would you be willing to babysit for the young Mom next door so she can go to the library for an hour or two?  Ever thought of becoming a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister?"

This next day or two, think about how healthy you'd like to be, and seek small changes that can get you there.

I have started a regular "deep breathing" practice based on info in Dr. Andrew Weil's new book, "Spontaneous Happiness."

Virgo asks us to release criticism as we go about change.  You're already good enough! But you may want to expand your possibilities.. and accelerate your potentials.

After all,  with Spirit to guide us, we are, truly Limitless !

Bright Blessings, in the Light of the Moon..


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Predictions for A Happy Life,by Sun Sign

Predictions for a Happy Life, by Sun Sign

Unlike many astrologers, I DO put a lot of Faith in SUN SIGNS. My Rosicrucian teacher believed the SUN was the SOURCE.. You ARE the essence of your Sun Sign. It is the  primal energy from which you drew your  life force. I have made decades of  successful predictions based upon sun signs,although of course the time of birth gives a lot of depth by adding in your Ascendant. And  a full natal chart , of course, looks at  ALL your  planet positions. .

Here is my  brief,sometimes tongue-in cheek (but FOR REAL) Sun Sign picture of YOU and your potential for a happy life on Earth:

Aries: Stay active! Find your sport /activity and do it forever! Make sure you are never bored, and you will then never grow old. Become a leader at what you do.Blow your own horn.  You’ll probably be first in line for plastic surgery as you get older. You especially hate droopy eyelids. You’ll be happy when you have a “tribe” to hang out with.  You are happy with not too much pressure from family members. You’ll just ignore them,anyway!

Taurus: Get out of that rut.Push yourself to try new adventures and shake up your life routine once in a while (like at least once a decade!) Invest in long term,safe securities and watch your money grow.That makes you sleep well at night!  And, Always wear natural fibers . You can enjoy life most when you learn about fine foods and wine—so join a dinner club or even take some cooking classes yourself! Happy when pampered and a  can tend to be little overweight. Fluffy, not fat. , Or, muscular and strong if you splurge on that personal trainer.  

Gemini: Make sure you always have the latest model cell phone with unlimited data service. Really.You need to stay in touch with EVERYONE! Allow yourself to have a few careers in one lifetime. Go back to school when you need to. Hang out with folks who are younger than you. You thrive on new ideas. You can’t take a “stagnant” life. You’ll leave stodgy partners in the dust! Learning new stuff then showing others how to do it is fun, but you’ll change interests frequently. Happiest with CHANGE!

Cancer: Feather the nest. Make a point to find a  close to perfect living arrangement that “FEELS RIGHT” to you. An apartment in an old Victorian house or a condo in a friendly building. Maybe even a  cozy cottage in the midwest with a picket fence.You’ll know it when you see it. Home base is important. You may even WORK there!  Then,go for the BIG GOALS that are roaming around in your head. Start a business! There are more cancerian millionaires than any other sign!

Leo: It’s good to be Queen! Happiest in the limelight. Find an outlet for your creativity or perish! Clothing and jewelry fascinate you. Buy some, get someone to buy them FOR YOU, or design them yourself and start an etsy shop!  Staying up late at night enjoying cosmos with the gal pals will keep you feeling young at heart. Just don’t do it too often!  You thrive on having children,so do have some. (You may want a nanny,though.) You make a great parent – your kids will stay close  to you and adore you,forever!  YOUNG AT HEART,always!

Virgo: You are going to save the world! Or at least your neighborhood. Find that cause that pulls your heart strings and then try to make it your career. Helping professions, recycling, safe energy, save the forests.. you get the picture. You also need an ideal diet to feel your best.You may have allergies or food intolerance, so get your nourishment figured out early in life if you can. Then, Lighten Up and realize the rest of us are not perfectionists! You CAN mobilize us lazy folks for your,get busy! RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE!

Libra: I find that Libras are happiest when they can play a musical instrument .For pleasure, not necessarily professional.A klezmer band? Libra is happy when everyone else is happy.Find a way to make the world a calmer, prettier place,through work as a counselor, interior decorator, or  as a lawyer who represents women’s rights . You really do need to be in a relationship so don’t fight it. Find your Soul Mate! MUST dress well.Don’t skimp on quality.Buy good clothes,just less of them.

Scorpio:  Not too concerned with what others think, you will be happiest when you are researching scary or irregular stuff, or working in law enforcement, uncovering secrets, or doing awesome healing work of some kind. You can’t stand phonies and would rather be alone than endure small talk. Find a way to explore the side of life that others are scared of: psychic work,emergency or crisis work, and the underbelly of life, all appeal!  You’re good at what others can’t stomach. Also, very psyhic,naturally.

Sagitarrius: Happiest when everyone just lets you be happy! Sadge   loves to learn! And to teach. A child at heart!  Get out into nature, travel, and don’t allow your work or relationships  tie you down.You’ll be happiest with those who understand your vagabond nature, and can enjoy it WITH you! You have the ability to mingle and communicate with all ages and background of people.You wil thrive on diverse experiences. You’ll be happiest when showing others how to do it. May also be concerned with the law and justice for all.But is often bored with the long process and cannot stay in that field for
work .Find  a better way,such as teaching!

Capricorn: Happiest when working overtime.Not kidding.You love to accumulate material goods and money, as this makes you feel safe and secure and successful. This is okay as long as you realize there is more to life than achievement.You’ll be calmer and happier if you balance your achievements with a healthy dose of PLAY and romance.You might need to find someone to take the lead, but then, do follow! Capricorns often are happiest when the hang out with people who are their OPPOSITES. You probably subscribe to several financial magazines and newspapers.You’re good at leading others to THEIR wealth and success. But do take time for a vacation every year!!

Aquarius:Happiest when you’re left alone to your eccentricities!  We may stumble upon you in your lab, your photo studio, or in the basement or craft /hobby room, making magic of some kind..   You feel like no one REALLY understands you, but you still do best when you hang out with other eccentric people with wild and crazy ideas.  You’re NOT a loner. You will probably invent something really useful. And you are happiest when you can maintain personal freedom.. no strings attached works best. Can be married happily only if your partner doesn’t have a need to “keep tabs” on you.

Pisces:  you feel most at ease and happy when you’re watching the “ Lord of the Rings”movies  or reading the Twilight series! Come on, admit it, you prefer to live somewhere besides EARTH! And earthlings kinda bore you,too!  You can be happy when you create a whimsical,colorful cocoon for yourself, probably at home, but you do tend to move a lot. Everywhere you go, you bring your ethereal, other-wordly views with you. Pisces makes an excellent care giver,nurse,healer. Just don’t get too picky about what methods they use.. some of the ways you do things,Pisces, haven’t really been INVENTED yet!  Many Pisces find work as Psychics,Astrologers and  Reiki healers.You need help from an earth sign to make a success of it reach out!  
A 9 to 5  schedule will absolutely NOT work for Pisces!

Hope you’ve enjoyed these astrological vignettes..please  feel inspired to to me! I love  feedback!! 

Does your sign fit you????

If you know your Ascendant or Rising Sign,read that two and you'll have the "real you" in just two  pithy paragraphs! 

Brightest blessings!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wisdom and Happiness for Beginning Lightworkers

A Week to  Beginning Wisdom

Every morning and evening, practice this deep breathing technique.It’s from Dr. Weil’s latest book.It will balance your nervous system and your spirit.
Inhale to the count of 4, deeply,from your stomach.
Hold that breath to the count of 7.
RELEASE, all the way, to the count of 8, whoosh it out your pursed mouth.  4/7/8. Easy to remember.Do it.

I keep a journal just for this.Bought a pretty one for $2.00 at Ross with an angel on the cover!
Write down 5 gratitudes every single morning or evening.
Can be simple.
My list today:
I am grateful for Columbian coffee.
I am grateful for the birds out in my yard in the A.M.
I am grateful for my new tarot deck.
I am grateful for Ken.
I am grateful for a new day.
I am grateful for company coming to dinner on Thursday.
Oops.That’s 6. You can break the rules!
Handwriting can be messy.No one sees this but you.

3. EAT THREE MEALS and 2 snacks. Every day for a week.
Keeping your blood sugar even is a key to being calm, and having the brain power to solve problems!
Eventually, make sure  most of the meals are REALLY healthy.
THIS WEEK:Just eat. Regularly.
 SnackHints: celery and hummus or peanut butter .
Hard boiled eggs, a crunchy apple. Yogurt.

Pay it forward.
Do a kind deed at least once this week.Pay for someones coffee ahead of you in line.  Drop a donation off at the food collection area of your grocery store.  Leave a kind,encouraging note on a co workers desk. Let someone ahead of you in traffic during rush hour.  Offer to babysit for a busy Mom that you may know.

5. Find a daily inspirational web site that will encourage you every day. I love:

Read it every day before you get busy.Only takes a few moments.

Wisdom is a never ending story, a journey.  If you want to help others or just be happier  yourself, you need to start a spiritual practice. This week you can end up a little wiser, and a lot happier, if you try these 5 easy practices. If they become a regular part of  your life, don't be surprised if happiness becomes a daily state of mind! 

Bright Blessings!

LEO MOON Predicts friendly Monday

As a  Moon Child, the phases and sign of the Moon play a big part in my predictions and in my daily life. I am always watching the Moon, and adjusting my energies according to her Light. I believe we all "organize" our lives around SOMETHING, for me, it is the Moon.  My day planner charts the daily position of the Moon and I am always aware of the energies She brings to the day.

Larger planetary cycles are strong indicators of strife, joy, turmoil, war, elections, the stock market, but the simple DAILY MOON position is a way to focus your energy on the moment.. and on the day ahead. (Sometimes all I can manage is ONE DAY AHEAD! Never mind the cycles of the whole year!!!)

Today,with Moon in  Leo,seek to be a good friend! Be kind, smile a few extra smiles, and make  time to do something PLAYFUL this afternoon or evening! Take a walk around the block on your lunchbreak. Do something beautifying if you're in the mood-- a pedicure, color your hair, re arrange your furniture!

Living by the Light of the Moon is a simple and peaceful way to stay aligned with the nurturing energies of the Source (God, Goddess, Buddha,  Blessed Mother, Louise..)

Till next time..

Bright Blessings,


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tarot Predictions for Weekend

 Tarot predictions for the Weekend:

The Tower card in the tarot gives us the hint that more radical political rants and insults may be forthcoming. Expect continued freaky weather patterns too. Try to be as flexible as possible since our set in stone plans may be disrupted by last minute changes. Be open to serendipity and surprise.

Antidote for wild and wooly energies: Faith,courage and gratitude! The card THE MOON is saying, rely on your emotional center, the heart of you, in all decisions this weekend.Also, realize that some information you need may be HIDDEN.. you have to look underneath the obvious , to get to the truth of the matter.

I'll be enjoying a nice weekend at home. Hot tub, movies, long walks and a visit to the local BARK PARK to watch the dogs splashing around in their very own lake!

Of course, with The TOWER card ruling the day, anything can happen! I won't be surprised if our plans change at the last minute.

Have a great weekend.

Bright Blessings!


Monday, February 20, 2012


A week ago I decided to  revive a Spiritual Practice of pulling one  card from my Gaian Tarot daily then journaling about what the card/message is telling me about, for that day.It's an amazing oracle/guide!

Every day, the message I receive is so on target.  I like to start my day this way. With coffee, out on the patio (I am in the Southwest) -- I have a colorful notebook I picked up at Ross a long time ago.. and I write. Sometimes a few sentences, sometimes a few pages!

First,I write what I believe the card is saying to me ..then I open my guidebook and read the "meaning" in the book..which always adds even more.

You can use any deck for this but I am in Love with Gaian Tarot.

Daily meditation and prayer round out  a practice which can center you, calm you, and inspire you.I meditate for 20-30 minutes daily but you can start with 10 . You could also just sit quietly and do some deep in and out breathing for your meditation--Maybe 10 breath cycles.

I say a morning prayer every day too--sometimes it is one I made up, sometimes a prayer from the faith of my youth which I have memorized. I  love the prayer of St. Francis, also.

Spiritual Practice and the Tarot put me in touch with "Source" each morning.

As I fall asleep I try to also just "BLESS the day, and everyone who was in it." Amen!

If your practices have fallen by the way side, try giving just a few moments in the morning to this connection and see how it changes your day!

I'd love to hear about it!

Peaceful Blessings!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Moon in Capricorn on Friday and Saturday means that happy hour may turn into "power hour." You may find yourself chatting about ideas for work improvements and changes. You can network with powerful types this 2 days, and make gains on practical goals.

Of course, if you're an earth sign, this will be fun for you. If you're water, you need a massage to ground you this weekend.If you are a fire sign, get some vigorous exercise, and if you are air, write down all your new bright ideas ..and don't share ALL of them outloud yet!

Next weekI will spend more time with TAROT messages..

Till then, bask in the light of the Moon by going outside and sitting still ,gazing and allowing the energies of Her Light to enter your Spirit, for refreshment and nurturance.

Peaceful Blessings,

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sometimes you just don't want to talk! A relaxing hour of healing, massage  and aromatherapy will go a long way to restoring your balance.

I am designing  a few new relaxing AROMATHERAPY Healing and Massage Sessions for my clients.As a  Certified Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner, with Sacred Lomi and Aromatherapy Massage certificates, I'll be helping busy women relax and rejuvenate. And that leads to healing of mind, body and spirit.

 With 28 years of experience offering holistic health  care,  THIS  is my favorite method of providing healing work for  women.

During my  aromatherapy sessions I do receive "impressions" about you and your concerns, and if you agree,I will share them with you.During your treatment, relax with the aromatherapies and massage, and  let your mind drift on the  relaxing music. I provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to  unwind.

Stay tuned. If you live in Arizona, I'll be offering these sessions within a month.I'll provide links to my webpage.

Women,especially, need to focus on self-care and nurturing .When your physical body is relaxed,and you are nourished with essentials oils , music, and spiritual healing, you'll enjoy a happier,healthier Mind, Body and Spirit!

When Mama's happy and relaxed ,everyone's happy! 

Future Path becomes More Clear

Today's Moon sails through the thoughtful sign of Sagitarrius.You may feel like pondering the meaning of Life, or you might be ready to sign up for a class, a course, a seminar of some sort. It's a good day to plan a trip, and to deal with activities that involve other countries or faraway places.

If you have larger planetary aspects like a Pluto or Saturn cycle in progress, today may give you some insight into the spiritual meaning of the events around you this year.

Like  most astrologers, I'm really good at advising others, but  I think I will just "sail through" the challenging aspects in my OWN chart.  NOT SO! Today I am meditating and studying the lessons I am meant to learn by the changes and challenges of the past year.

It can be en-LIGHTENING to "get the lesson.." and to embrace the new cycles as they appear.

Today,expect some BRIGHT IDEAS to pull it all together.

And keep the LOVING message of February alive by continuing to hug more, relax with loved ones more, and also be  EXTRAORDINARILY GOOD TO YOURSELF on a daily basis!


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Here is a quote I read on Marianne Williamson's blog:  (check out my link to her site on the right hand column.) 
"Enlightenment is not a learning, but an unlearning. We have to unlearn the thinking of the world (ego), in order to learn the ways of love (Spirit)."

 In 2012 and beyond, planetary  alignments point towards more changes in the way we live, love, learn and grow. The entire planet is undergoing a "shift" and it's ALWAYS a great idea to rely more on your Spiritual Nature than your ego, in solving problems or navigating a new life path.  Find your connection with the Source (God, Goddess, Jesus, Buddha, or, as Wayne Dyer says, you can call it Louise if you like..)

I enjoy Marianne's books,blog and lectures.  She promotes Peace . My husband and I are going back over the Course in Miracles information.  And her information/books,etc.  are a great gateway into all things miraculous.

It's a nice reminder that you don't necessarily have to DO MORE, or LEARN MORE or figure it all out on your own!

RELEASING wrong thought, and UN-learning some of what's cluttering up your mind and spirit..well, that's done through prayer,contemplation and meditation.

Gather together with like minded friends and share Spirit.  Meditate together. Read books, discuss good works you can do, and make sure you spend some time all by yourself,  every day ,in the quiet, "unlearning" mode.

A Peaceful life begins in the  Heart,.

Isn't  February "Heart" month??

Blessings to all-- 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sedona Secret Canyon

My husband and I hike in Sedona regularly.We found a spot in the wilderness called Secret Canyon. It's a steep climb straight up into a red rock alcove where we can sit and meditate.

I always bring a deck of my Tarot Cards (I have at least 20 decks) and energize them in the red rocks.

This is a deck I carried to the Secret Wilderness in October,2011.
Ken and I are proponents of "barefoot running."  If the terrain is mostly agreeable, we walk,hike and run without foot gear.  An amazing experience and GOOD for your feet (as well as your Spirit!)

This picture was  the same October, 2011 trip.

Here in the Valley it's usually too rocky but up in Sedona the red dirt is soft and even the stony areas are smooth and so cool to the foot..

Try it!

I brought my Gaian Deck up there in December. but didn't take pics.

Blessings and Happy Friday!