Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I know it's only Tuesday but I want to give you the heads up for the weekend. The Moon will move into the grand explorer sign of Sagittarius and you'll want to hit the road, even before Labor Day weekend is here!!

Plan ahead to get outside, as  Sadge also rules Nature in general.Get onto a lake, a bicycle, out of town if you can. Or--sign up for an interesting class workshop or lecture, as Sadge likes to learn.

All dealings with folks from different countries and cultures will expand your horizons, and you might even whip up an INTERNATIONAL- THEMED pot luck.Like Greek Night or Spanish Tapas or.. old fashioned American Barbecue???

Till then, ride out the tail end of Mars/Saturn in fussy Libra (remember all that compromise I talked about? )--  the MOON is in Libra also-- with all  partnerships it can be too much talk not enough action.. don't negotiate any contracts or agreements till later next week. Win-Win is just not so likely till then.. and a compromise will not please anyone.

And don't forget to go outside at night and do some Moon-gazing of your own!


"I will explore the Natural world this weekend!"


Monday, August 20, 2012

Say it Like You Mean It , Mars!

Mars is a lot more straight-forward in the sign of Scorpio (which is co rules)  and that will apply to all of us!

If you were pussy-footing around trying not to offend or hurt feelings, if your  ideas and comments got taken the wrong way, if you are just plain  tired of compromise, then Mars In Scorpio  will thrill you!

As we begin to move into a new 6 week cycle, Mars in Scorpio sets the steady pace. (Till around Oct. 6.)

We can approach goals in a direct, straightforward manner. We may surprise others and ourselves with our clear cut focus and our stamina.Libra was just not a good fit for the feisty Martian planet!  And some relationships took a beating. Some egos too.

Now, believe it or not, DIRECT and ASSERTIVE communication will solve more problems than the satin glove approach.

Sensitive types are fascinated /repelled by the intensity of Scorpio, but Mars is happy here! Venus is Cancerian aspect  means the more sensitive Cancer/Pisces mermaid types will find much here to their liking..some romantic intrigue, an emotional goal finally faced head on and ACCOMPLISHED.. and,  less meaningless drivel.

Other signs get a boost of physical energy, and a sense of RENEWAL.

Use this 6 weeks to set clear cut emotional goals, to say what you mean, and to brush up on your seduction skills!

If you know what HOUSE this Mars placement has in your own natal chart, you will see LOTS OF ACTION AND DECISION MAKING IN THAT AREA!


"I can see clearly now ..."


Friday, August 17, 2012

Playdates and Power Struggles

I am Leo hear me roar!!

New Moon in Leo heralds a weekend of play,creativity, and romance. Oh sure, there's still a Venus/Pluto opposition  but that can actually add some depth and drama to date night.Why not?  Get out the sexy lingerie!

If you're strapped into a power struggle with a partner at work or in your love life, this weekend you'll claim back some of the Spotlight for yourself.

Leo encourages us to let  the inner child out to play. It's not a good weekend to be a grownup. We want to play hooky from responsibilities, and I say go ahead. The yard work will wait till next weekend. Definitely DO NOT BRING THE BRIEFCASE HOME this weekend!!

Leo encourages up to gamble, to play sports, to make some art or crafts, and to brag a little. We also wanna be entertained!  I don't know about your town but Phoenix is filled with casinos.. they offer  shows as  well as slot machines, so you don't have  to lose money to have a good time.. you can go watch a Michael Jackson show and keep your money in your wallet.

I like to set a new intention at the NEW MOON.A goal I can work on all month.  I'm currently immersed in some large art/craft projects and I'm going to set the intention of WORKING ON MY ART every single day all month (till the next New Moon..)

A Saturn/Mars aspect also give us an opportunity to bring some STRUCTURE to our energies and activities.I moved this summer and have not got a new "routine" figured out.it's frustrating! (I have an orderly natal Moon in Capricorn and a dreamy Pisces rising.. )  I am using the weekend to make up a loose/flexible weekly routine that will help me reach my goals and harness my energies.

I want time for cooking,exercising, making art, and date nights with my spouse.

This weekend, a PLAYFUL approach to all of it will serve you and me, the best.

So what's YOUR NEW MOON INTENTION? Line it us with Leo qualities and enjoy!


"Play is good for me!"



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moon over Miami, and Phoenix, and Philly, and.....

Moon in Cancer joins Venus today. Nesting,nurturing, and sensitive feelings are in focus. Speak softly. Take care of yourself.Bake a pie with summer strawberries.

Get a massage.

Give a massage!

Visit an art gallery or a crafts store (that's  what I will be doing today!)

Start an art project.

Paint a bedroom or a kitchen.

Make a special dinner to share with friends,family,Fido.

As this Moon cycle runs down on its way to a new Moon,think about what you've accomplished  since the last New Moon about a month ago.

Begin to set some new intentions for the upcoming New Moon cycle in Leo.Goals related to fun,creativity,children, and self-Love.


"I spend time in quiet reflection and creativity."



Monday, August 13, 2012

Be Square: Tension and Beauty

In the world of astrology a "square" aspect creates tension.Certain elements of life don't
BLEND very well.. and Venus in Cancer, a sweet and gentle placement, is at odds with Uranus and Pluto--two heavy hitters of the zodiac who don't always "play well with others."

Venus wants a  soulful kiss, Pluto would just  as soon give you the cold shoulder. And Uranus will stick a cosmic foot out and trip you on the way to the  beauty shop!

I say, to make the most of this time, shine your own Light brightly.Don't let others color your world view with their own doom and gloom! Don't take the "blame" or let anyone make you the heavy.

Concentrate on the serene aspect of a watery Venus.. put on your most comfy pretty clothes, the ones that make you feel like a Princess or a Queen, preen a little, spoil yourself a Lot,  and put your best Self forward.

If you're a natural optimist, you'll find someone who wants to burst your bubble.If you're more on the dour side of the fence,well, you may benefit from a dose of your friend's optimism this week!!  (The world as we know it is NOT going to end on December 21,2012!!!!)

I like that Mercury is now direct and at least we're not giving MIXED messages, losing things or  shouting curses at our computer meltdowns!

A Bright Spot coming soon will be the New Moon! Stay tuned!


" No one can put out my natural Light!"



Friday, August 10, 2012

Astrology Goes Live

Happy Friday! My favorite method of teaching the energy of astrology is to have students spend an evening watching the night sky.Or having a picnic under the Full Moon. Or plotting the phases of La Luna on a handmade calendar for a year.

This weekend, you have a chance to enjoy a "free show" when the Perseids meteor shower makes its yearly appearance in the night sky.Because the Moon is small this time,  the chances of a nice display are great!

Grab a friend, lover  and/or your favorite furry companion,pack a picnic basket and enjoy Mother Nature's show, tomorrow night from midnight to 2 AM is best, but if you prefer sunrise, then wait till Sunday morning from 2 AM to sunrise time.



"I am a part of the ALL thAT IS."



Thursday, August 9, 2012

Love,Light and Royalty

Mercury is able to express the regal attitude of Leo a lot better now that he is direct. You may find a release of some tensions in all communications, but pride  and egos still may  create some pushy moments with friends and co workers.

Best use of this energy: Be the QUEEN (or King) of your OWN life!

Venus does make some squared off aspects in her sweet sojourn through the watery sign of Cancer, but  I see the tensions as  potentially stimulating. Look for Pluto aspects to bring a long lost love back into focus, or secrets to come out of the closet.  Deep emotions and yearnings must come forward now. Don't shy away from the hard stuff in relationships.

Uranus in aspect means anything goes.. all manner of  surprises in the areas I mentioned in yesterday's blog.  (Read your sun sign and your rising sign.) Uranus and venus often stimulate a few short travels..so, this weekend, why not take an unscheduled  getaway to refresh your spirit! If water is involved, all the better!

And, if you have ever felt drawn to being a LightWorker, studying astrology,tarot, or healing, now is a good time to find an in person or online class or mentor.


" My INNER QUEEN guides my decisions today."



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Venus Predictions for the Signs

Aaaahhhhh..Mercury is direct! I'd wait a couple more days before buying equipment,computers,cars, and if  possible,signing anything very important unless it has already been in process.

What I love about this Astrological cycle is: Venus in Cancer. Wherever Venus lands in your own natal chart, you'll be relaxing, nurturing, beautifying, and mabe even figuring out how to  create an attitude of INCREASE. Love and passion make an appearance but you won't see the Siren, it's more of a gentle Angel who may appear at the doorstep.

This is a 4 week aspect.

Read your RISING SIGN (ASCENDANT) also if you know it:

Aries: Venus in 4th means you're sprucing up your house and garden. Minor renovations and color changes. Add candles and soften the areas where you spend the most time.Expect family members to be very cozy just now.

Taurus: Venus smiles on your Sun sign and third house.. you'll enjoy new friendships and your immediate daily routines will undergo a change of schedule.. look for new opportunities for socializing. You look good too..new haircut?

Gemini: Venus blesses your pocketbook and you may receive a small windfall that you decide to spend on frivolous, delicious stuff that tickles your fancy. You may take singing lessons or make music.

Cancer: Venus in your home sign is cuddly.You may not want to leave the house, and you're a bit self centered on your appearance, new clothing, a tweak in the way you present yourself to the world. Good time for  complete make-over.

Leo: In the 12th house of secrets, you may be involved in an affair of the heart that could come back and bite you! CAREFUL!! Use this transit to broaden your spiritual quest and read some inspirational books or poetry.

Virgo: 11th house Venus brings  you some new friendships that you may meet through a family member. Invite people into your home for entertaining and maybe even some political debate! You may be getting anxious to start helping elect the new President.

Libra: Venus in 10 gives you an urge to beautify your workplace, to make the environment where you spend time every day, more pleasing and comfortable. Bring in some flowers, maybe even music if the situation lends itself.There may be many parties and celebrations in the  workplace this 4 weeks. You are the peacemaker.

Scorpio: Travel,baby! It may not be long distance trips, but this 4 weeks is great for short ventures not to far from home.Being around water is inspirational right now.Streams,oceans, waterfalls, hot tubs. A late summer getaway refreshes your spirit!

Sadge:  You feel the inclination to express your sensuous side! There may be a small windfall in the form of a gift or some money,from a significant other or family member. You may attend some psychic events or fairs, or be given a spiritual book to read. Go with that thought!

Capricorn: It's a great 4 weeks with Venus in 7, to spoil your loved one. Or to go OUT and find a loved one! Partnerships of all kinds, including business, are blessed and easy. Expect others to listen and follow your  experienced  advice.

Aquarius: You will be called upon to volunteer or head up an important work force event. You'll sense your humanitarian nature being activated and you wonder how you can express your true purpose on the job. Venus makes it a gentle exploration, not pushy.

Pisces: Venus in a water sign and in our 5th lends itself to play,  and creative bursts of energy.If you ever wanted to start a business with your hobby, now is the time! Massage,tarot,astrology,art,music,dance..which is it for you???

Enjoy this Venus cycle. For a detailed look at your own natal chart and where all the planets are taking you--give me a call!





Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bold Adventures with Pluto Uranus and Venus

With Venus, Uranus and Pluto lining up towards a T-square in the sky, you can expect radical people from the past to show up in unusual ways. Your life may be jarred out of complacency by sudden events that stir up your love life! If you're single, you might be looking for love in all the wrong places. I'd say, why not upgrade your dating habits NOW before this square gets tight?  Release scary people and work on meeting successful folks vs. the  needy!

If you're attached,expect a possible release of jealousy, or excuse me, that could be passion.

It'll be hard to tell the difference in the coming month..

 A certain amount of creative tension may have you pulling out the paintbrushes or whatever creative outlet you used to enjoy--  you could have some interesting encounters if you sign up for a class related to those hobbies.

Today, as part of my Tarot practice, I pulled the card "The Fool." This is a signal to let go and trust. To start anew. To be childlike in your wonder and your expectations. I like to believe the Fool has enough experience to go safely into his adventures.. so.. go ahead, go boldly where no man has gone before..

Just be careful who you take  along for the ride!!!

"I explore."



Monday, August 6, 2012

just Spit it Out! Aries Moon--feisty prediction

Venus  in Cancer, Mercury direct, and a Moon in Aries.Woo hoo! I  try to avoid astro-jargon since I feel my readers are friends, not  necessarily fellow astrologers (who know all this tech stuff  already!) I want you to have FUN at my site!  And, USE the info in your real, day to day life!

So-- starting tomorrow--  August 7 and 8 bring new signs: Venus in Cancer heightens the senses and can make a STAY-CATION  a lot of fun. Embellish your home, your patio, your,  ah-hem ,bedroom.. (red scarves over the lamp, nice undies, fantasies, you get my drift??) and relax into easy bliss without the commute! Take a cooking class with friends or lovers..   A Wine Tasting at the local wine emporium..close to home.. or, at least, fire up the barbecue.

Mercury moving forward means you can purchase the car, I-Pad, sign the documents, and just let go of old business.

Moon in Aries: I have a slew of Cancer/Cappy/Libra stuff in my own chart, so Aries energy is ALWAYS disruptive to me..  (I just try to hide under a rock!) but for many, this Moon is a chance to start anew.. we all feel kinda feisty,outspoken... privileged and self-centered over  the next few days.. as a Moon Child,   I don't enjoy that very much, but hey! It's an Aries Moon! the Moon is fickle, and
if you don't like today,well, "tomorrow,tomorrow it's only a day away! "

But TODAY and the immediate TOMORROW says:

Fire Signs (Aries,Leo,Libra)  Say it OUTLOUD! Get your word in,NOW!

Water Signs (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces) RUN FOR COVER!

Air Signs (Gemini, Sadge, Aquarius) you're not really listening anyway-- tune out and follow your own "drummer.."

Earth Signs (Taurus,Virgo,capricorn) My goodness you'll get a lot done!

 AFFIRMATION FOR THIS DAY: (and tomorrow!)
Get your INNER FIRE on!


Saturday, August 4, 2012


With a watery Pisces Moon we're in a heightened state of emotions. Our dreams seem more real than the day we're slogging through.You may feel a slowed down pace pulling on your heels, and my advice is to go with the flow. Can you spend time this weekend with your journal,making a piece of art, or interpreting your dreams?

You'll get more useful information from your dreams and intuition vs. your BFF's right now, who are "Lost" on their own island. Share a glass of wine this evening, but don't take their advice!

Mercury goes direct in the wee hours of August 8, so expect some glitches to begin to resolve..solutions to appear.

There's some relationship pressure brewing with Mars approaching Saturn in Libra. We're all examing who and what is near and dear to us. Libra seeks balance. Often, compromise is called for. Any dealings with "others" (that included business partners, bankers,spouses, partners of all kinds) requires a "deal" not an ultimatum!

I enjoy the water Moons--they are a blessing of heightened intuition and feeling mode.If you're an Earth sign you may feel ungrounded.If you're Fire, you get very impatient with the rest of us, and if you are Air you will use this Moon to give Spirit to your ideas... water signs feel "in their element."

However you use this energy, if you spend a little time near some water you'll make the most of it..a stream, a pool, hey! Even a nice long bubble bath!

Dream on!


"I allow my intuition full reign today."


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Free Spirits and Holidays

The Full Moon will brighten the sky tomorrow evening and your spirit as well.In Aquarius, with nice Jupiter and Uranus aspects, we move away from over-serious thoughts and begin to see the big picture. We're sensing there is a higher purpose to all the events surrounding us.

Look for resolution of issues  or plans that cropped up about 2 weeks ago.

In Aquarius, the urge for freedom and revolution is in the air.  Your creativity is high and you'll take the road less traveled!

Today and tomorrow, experiment a little. Try the outrageous solution to a problem instead  of the tried and true.

August 1 is a holy-day to earth religions.Lammas is the celebration of the first harvest. I love harvest holidays because we're not  supposed to be planting or planning or thinking ahead.. it is time to  relax with friends and family and to CELEBRATE the fruits of our labor! This is a day to celebrate the rewards of whatever you set in motion back around February.If your bounty is small or large, bless it and enjoy it.

Tonight mix up a dinner of lots of  summer's fruits and veggies and give thanks for any prosperity you enjoy.

As always,I advise going OUTDOORS (yes even in 107 degree heat,wait till the sun goes down!) and making Mother Nature a part of your celebrations.A quick dip in the pool, or a mountain stream, or just an evening gazing up at La Luna.


"I am so thankful for every  large small wonderful sign of prosperity in  my life! "