Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chatty Little Moon

Hopefully you survived the NEW MOON IN ARIES last week! Do your new goals and intentions for this month have a decidedly selfish edge to them?? Well,GOOD FOR YOU!

It's been a hectic, erratic 10 day period, and that new moon didn't do a thing to calm anyone down! You're STILL sorting through a few messes you made, aren't you??!

Well,today and tomorrow you'll  have a chance with the Moon in Gemini, to talk it over, write a thank you note or an apology! And expect the phone, texts and emails to overflow.

In fact, we are down right distracted during a Gemini Moon, and it's best used for rather superficial socializing and getting out and about town (example:happy hour with the pals..)

If you're a writer, focus on fast drafts, no edits. Just let it all hang out. Revise later.

You'll find on Thursday as the evening rolls around,  your moods and emotions will deepen and you'll be more in the mood for family,romance, and some introspective time.

But for today and  tomorrow, what are you waiting for: Call up your besties and schedule an impromptu gathering..the more the merrier!



Monday, March 12, 2012


Two of Water

Today's card ,which will inform the week, if you like, is the Joyful TWO OF WATER in my Gaian deck.

A message to guide your week: Twos are about a CHOICE. You can choose to see and honor the DIVINE in someone, and thereby connect to their highest energies.  A relationship you want to have, will come when you CHOOSE it. You can access your own Joy by opening your Heart chakra, and connecting to the world and others  with a joyful loving heart.

You may find peace and joy with companions of all kinds, including animals and Mother Nature. Spend some time in Nature  this week,to heal  and open your Heart chakra. If you work indoors, I always suggest getting OUTSIDE your lunch break. DO NOT EAT AT YOUR DESK!!

If you work at home-likewise, go OUTSIDE at mid day or sunset and walk around the block or jump on your bike and sing outloud with the wind in your hair!

Honor YOURSELF in all relationships and release co dependent tendencies, to take on what is NOT yours.

Bask in the glow that comes with opening your Heart.

Seek out trusting companions who also see the Divine in YOU!

Bright Blessings for a wonderful week ahead!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

FULL MOON VIRGO - Energies of this Day

The Full Moon in Virgo this evening brings energy of repair and renewal.You may be examining the parts of your physical routines which are not as productive as the could be.This is a good day to  revise your meal plan, to rethink your exercise routines, and to review what your service to humanity might be.

Not all of us work for non profits who are saving the planet, but in your daily life, there are always opportunities to be of service in your community. Can you take in the trash can for your neighbor? Would you be willing to babysit for the young Mom next door so she can go to the library for an hour or two?  Ever thought of becoming a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister?"

This next day or two, think about how healthy you'd like to be, and seek small changes that can get you there.

I have started a regular "deep breathing" practice based on info in Dr. Andrew Weil's new book, "Spontaneous Happiness."

Virgo asks us to release criticism as we go about change.  You're already good enough! But you may want to expand your possibilities.. and accelerate your potentials.

After all,  with Spirit to guide us, we are, truly Limitless !

Bright Blessings, in the Light of the Moon..


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Predictions for A Happy Life,by Sun Sign

Predictions for a Happy Life, by Sun Sign

Unlike many astrologers, I DO put a lot of Faith in SUN SIGNS. My Rosicrucian teacher believed the SUN was the SOURCE.. You ARE the essence of your Sun Sign. It is the  primal energy from which you drew your  life force. I have made decades of  successful predictions based upon sun signs,although of course the time of birth gives a lot of depth by adding in your Ascendant. And  a full natal chart , of course, looks at  ALL your  planet positions. .

Here is my  brief,sometimes tongue-in cheek (but FOR REAL) Sun Sign picture of YOU and your potential for a happy life on Earth:

Aries: Stay active! Find your sport /activity and do it forever! Make sure you are never bored, and you will then never grow old. Become a leader at what you do.Blow your own horn.  You’ll probably be first in line for plastic surgery as you get older. You especially hate droopy eyelids. You’ll be happy when you have a “tribe” to hang out with.  You are happy with not too much pressure from family members. You’ll just ignore them,anyway!

Taurus: Get out of that rut.Push yourself to try new adventures and shake up your life routine once in a while (like at least once a decade!) Invest in long term,safe securities and watch your money grow.That makes you sleep well at night!  And, Always wear natural fibers . You can enjoy life most when you learn about fine foods and wine—so join a dinner club or even take some cooking classes yourself! Happy when pampered and a  can tend to be little overweight. Fluffy, not fat. , Or, muscular and strong if you splurge on that personal trainer.  

Gemini: Make sure you always have the latest model cell phone with unlimited data service. Really.You need to stay in touch with EVERYONE! Allow yourself to have a few careers in one lifetime. Go back to school when you need to. Hang out with folks who are younger than you. You thrive on new ideas. You can’t take a “stagnant” life. You’ll leave stodgy partners in the dust! Learning new stuff then showing others how to do it is fun, but you’ll change interests frequently. Happiest with CHANGE!

Cancer: Feather the nest. Make a point to find a  close to perfect living arrangement that “FEELS RIGHT” to you. An apartment in an old Victorian house or a condo in a friendly building. Maybe even a  cozy cottage in the midwest with a picket fence.You’ll know it when you see it. Home base is important. You may even WORK there!  Then,go for the BIG GOALS that are roaming around in your head. Start a business! There are more cancerian millionaires than any other sign!

Leo: It’s good to be Queen! Happiest in the limelight. Find an outlet for your creativity or perish! Clothing and jewelry fascinate you. Buy some, get someone to buy them FOR YOU, or design them yourself and start an etsy shop!  Staying up late at night enjoying cosmos with the gal pals will keep you feeling young at heart. Just don’t do it too often!  You thrive on having children,so do have some. (You may want a nanny,though.) You make a great parent – your kids will stay close  to you and adore you,forever!  YOUNG AT HEART,always!

Virgo: You are going to save the world! Or at least your neighborhood. Find that cause that pulls your heart strings and then try to make it your career. Helping professions, recycling, safe energy, save the forests.. you get the picture. You also need an ideal diet to feel your best.You may have allergies or food intolerance, so get your nourishment figured out early in life if you can. Then, Lighten Up and realize the rest of us are not perfectionists! You CAN mobilize us lazy folks for your,get busy! RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE!

Libra: I find that Libras are happiest when they can play a musical instrument .For pleasure, not necessarily professional.A klezmer band? Libra is happy when everyone else is happy.Find a way to make the world a calmer, prettier place,through work as a counselor, interior decorator, or  as a lawyer who represents women’s rights . You really do need to be in a relationship so don’t fight it. Find your Soul Mate! MUST dress well.Don’t skimp on quality.Buy good clothes,just less of them.

Scorpio:  Not too concerned with what others think, you will be happiest when you are researching scary or irregular stuff, or working in law enforcement, uncovering secrets, or doing awesome healing work of some kind. You can’t stand phonies and would rather be alone than endure small talk. Find a way to explore the side of life that others are scared of: psychic work,emergency or crisis work, and the underbelly of life, all appeal!  You’re good at what others can’t stomach. Also, very psyhic,naturally.

Sagitarrius: Happiest when everyone just lets you be happy! Sadge   loves to learn! And to teach. A child at heart!  Get out into nature, travel, and don’t allow your work or relationships  tie you down.You’ll be happiest with those who understand your vagabond nature, and can enjoy it WITH you! You have the ability to mingle and communicate with all ages and background of people.You wil thrive on diverse experiences. You’ll be happiest when showing others how to do it. May also be concerned with the law and justice for all.But is often bored with the long process and cannot stay in that field for
work .Find  a better way,such as teaching!

Capricorn: Happiest when working overtime.Not kidding.You love to accumulate material goods and money, as this makes you feel safe and secure and successful. This is okay as long as you realize there is more to life than achievement.You’ll be calmer and happier if you balance your achievements with a healthy dose of PLAY and romance.You might need to find someone to take the lead, but then, do follow! Capricorns often are happiest when the hang out with people who are their OPPOSITES. You probably subscribe to several financial magazines and newspapers.You’re good at leading others to THEIR wealth and success. But do take time for a vacation every year!!

Aquarius:Happiest when you’re left alone to your eccentricities!  We may stumble upon you in your lab, your photo studio, or in the basement or craft /hobby room, making magic of some kind..   You feel like no one REALLY understands you, but you still do best when you hang out with other eccentric people with wild and crazy ideas.  You’re NOT a loner. You will probably invent something really useful. And you are happiest when you can maintain personal freedom.. no strings attached works best. Can be married happily only if your partner doesn’t have a need to “keep tabs” on you.

Pisces:  you feel most at ease and happy when you’re watching the “ Lord of the Rings”movies  or reading the Twilight series! Come on, admit it, you prefer to live somewhere besides EARTH! And earthlings kinda bore you,too!  You can be happy when you create a whimsical,colorful cocoon for yourself, probably at home, but you do tend to move a lot. Everywhere you go, you bring your ethereal, other-wordly views with you. Pisces makes an excellent care giver,nurse,healer. Just don’t get too picky about what methods they use.. some of the ways you do things,Pisces, haven’t really been INVENTED yet!  Many Pisces find work as Psychics,Astrologers and  Reiki healers.You need help from an earth sign to make a success of it reach out!  
A 9 to 5  schedule will absolutely NOT work for Pisces!

Hope you’ve enjoyed these astrological vignettes..please  feel inspired to to me! I love  feedback!! 

Does your sign fit you????

If you know your Ascendant or Rising Sign,read that two and you'll have the "real you" in just two  pithy paragraphs! 

Brightest blessings!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wisdom and Happiness for Beginning Lightworkers

A Week to  Beginning Wisdom

Every morning and evening, practice this deep breathing technique.It’s from Dr. Weil’s latest book.It will balance your nervous system and your spirit.
Inhale to the count of 4, deeply,from your stomach.
Hold that breath to the count of 7.
RELEASE, all the way, to the count of 8, whoosh it out your pursed mouth.  4/7/8. Easy to remember.Do it.

I keep a journal just for this.Bought a pretty one for $2.00 at Ross with an angel on the cover!
Write down 5 gratitudes every single morning or evening.
Can be simple.
My list today:
I am grateful for Columbian coffee.
I am grateful for the birds out in my yard in the A.M.
I am grateful for my new tarot deck.
I am grateful for Ken.
I am grateful for a new day.
I am grateful for company coming to dinner on Thursday.
Oops.That’s 6. You can break the rules!
Handwriting can be messy.No one sees this but you.

3. EAT THREE MEALS and 2 snacks. Every day for a week.
Keeping your blood sugar even is a key to being calm, and having the brain power to solve problems!
Eventually, make sure  most of the meals are REALLY healthy.
THIS WEEK:Just eat. Regularly.
 SnackHints: celery and hummus or peanut butter .
Hard boiled eggs, a crunchy apple. Yogurt.

Pay it forward.
Do a kind deed at least once this week.Pay for someones coffee ahead of you in line.  Drop a donation off at the food collection area of your grocery store.  Leave a kind,encouraging note on a co workers desk. Let someone ahead of you in traffic during rush hour.  Offer to babysit for a busy Mom that you may know.

5. Find a daily inspirational web site that will encourage you every day. I love:

Read it every day before you get busy.Only takes a few moments.

Wisdom is a never ending story, a journey.  If you want to help others or just be happier  yourself, you need to start a spiritual practice. This week you can end up a little wiser, and a lot happier, if you try these 5 easy practices. If they become a regular part of  your life, don't be surprised if happiness becomes a daily state of mind! 

Bright Blessings!

LEO MOON Predicts friendly Monday

As a  Moon Child, the phases and sign of the Moon play a big part in my predictions and in my daily life. I am always watching the Moon, and adjusting my energies according to her Light. I believe we all "organize" our lives around SOMETHING, for me, it is the Moon.  My day planner charts the daily position of the Moon and I am always aware of the energies She brings to the day.

Larger planetary cycles are strong indicators of strife, joy, turmoil, war, elections, the stock market, but the simple DAILY MOON position is a way to focus your energy on the moment.. and on the day ahead. (Sometimes all I can manage is ONE DAY AHEAD! Never mind the cycles of the whole year!!!)

Today,with Moon in  Leo,seek to be a good friend! Be kind, smile a few extra smiles, and make  time to do something PLAYFUL this afternoon or evening! Take a walk around the block on your lunchbreak. Do something beautifying if you're in the mood-- a pedicure, color your hair, re arrange your furniture!

Living by the Light of the Moon is a simple and peaceful way to stay aligned with the nurturing energies of the Source (God, Goddess, Buddha,  Blessed Mother, Louise..)

Till next time..

Bright Blessings,


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tarot Predictions for Weekend

 Tarot predictions for the Weekend:

The Tower card in the tarot gives us the hint that more radical political rants and insults may be forthcoming. Expect continued freaky weather patterns too. Try to be as flexible as possible since our set in stone plans may be disrupted by last minute changes. Be open to serendipity and surprise.

Antidote for wild and wooly energies: Faith,courage and gratitude! The card THE MOON is saying, rely on your emotional center, the heart of you, in all decisions this weekend.Also, realize that some information you need may be HIDDEN.. you have to look underneath the obvious , to get to the truth of the matter.

I'll be enjoying a nice weekend at home. Hot tub, movies, long walks and a visit to the local BARK PARK to watch the dogs splashing around in their very own lake!

Of course, with The TOWER card ruling the day, anything can happen! I won't be surprised if our plans change at the last minute.

Have a great weekend.

Bright Blessings!