Sunday, February 5, 2012


I've been told my readings are upbeat and often don't reveal the "scary" stuff. Not true! My experience as a spiritual counselor has shown me a way to share the challenges of your life with you,without scaring the pants off you!

In 2009, had to  confirm to a client that indeed his business was headed for bankruptcy. A 30 year business was going belly up. All his major clients were down and out after the crash of '08.

I always ask my guides to reveal SOLUTIONS. Rather than dwelling on loss, a reading should help you move forward to the NEXT PART!

Mr. Jones chart showed us a tiny glimmer of hope in a newly developed line of work for him. He was told to start over again like an "amateur"--to be the "fool" and follow his heart to the next endeavor. And of course to grieve his loss, then get busy.

In fact, he had grown weary of the large behomoth of a company he had developed, and there was one small part of it he felt he could redevelop--and it involved working from a very small workshop, like he did when he was younger. (and a change in lifestyle for him and his family.)

A smile spread across his face as he recalled the joy and simplicity of those days!

Over the past 2 years I've seen him regularly for readings and he has, indeed, developed a small home improvement business that is thriving with just himself and 2 employees. He did have to sell his large home and regroup. He had to give up some exotic travel he had become accustomed to.

He and his wife joined forces in business again and they became closer. With a smaller house they were finally able to push the last grown kid out  of the nest .  Mr. and Mrs. Jones rejoined a church they had left behind and now enjoy a lot of social and community activities right in their own hometown rather than,say,Aruba.

It's a success story by all definitions if you ask me.

And he did.

My "happy"  astrological tarot readings acknowledge loss and change, but I always push for SOLUTION. WHAT'S NEXT?  If you need to know WHAT'S NEXT and need assistance to identify your strengths and blessings,email me for a reading.


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