Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Astrological Tarot readings

What is an Astrological Tarot reading?

Well, I am a Rosicrucian -trained Astrologer and I also developed psychic/intuitive insights as I studied the Tarot.

I always combine the two in my readings with clients.

I will discuss your Life Path and Potential as pointed out by your Moon Sign,Sun, Ascendant and planetary cycles .

Then I lay out the gorgeous TAROT CARDS (I use many decks, it depends what I "feel" that day!) Lately I am using my Gaian Deck and OSHO deck a lot.

I start with a 12 card layout which is all the houses of the zodiac.This way I can interpret the cards WITHIN the framework of what I know about astrology.

The Moon in your FIRST HOUSE (1st card in layout) would say to me you are considering changing your mind about something extremely important and also going to make a dramatic change in your appearance (new hair color style or dress..) You may also be harboring a secret you need to unload. 

The Two of Swords in the 6th card/house says to me you have to choose between 2 paths of work and service. A job change, maybe an uncomfortable one lies directly ahead.You can't see straight! You don't have  all the information yet. I'd say slow down,wait,if you can! 

Get the picture?

I give you all my info first then you can ask me questions.

Some of my clients come just once or twice a year for an overview of the future.

Some clients use the hour readings for  coaching/counseling. I am currently doing a series of 3  one hour sessions with a young woman who has some important career and moving decisions to make and wants to discuss strategies and possibilities. Based on HER natural talents,strengths and weaknesses as shown in her chart. (She has much Cancerian and  will probably be needing to stay close to home and roots rather than move to the east coast. The better money offer is there, but she is hesitant..  She has given me permission to share that much..) 

Check out my Readings Page if you're interested.
If I do say so myself, my readings are unique and I  bring my compassion and my Spirit Guides to each session!


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