Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Pisces planets moving into Aries bring about an awakening that comes from the deepest and sometimes  darkest parts of your psyche.I would venture to say your DREAMS ,lately, will tell you quite a lot about what's up next..what you can manifest into existence.

As my friend Richard Sutphen says, you are only in charge of YOU, however! If any of your plans and dreams involve changing another person's mind, well..  they are best left to their own ideas and you concentrate on yours! Aries is a bit strong -willed anyway--  collaboration is not easy at this time.

A good idea, a good plan, will NATURALLY attract supporters and other dreamers!  Over time...!

And ignore those who would critisise or analyze YOUR dreams! You have probably come to your decisions "the hard way" as Mary Chapin Carpenter would sing...

As I woke up this morning, I heard whispers in my ears,giving me SPECIFIC INFORMATION about how to solve a pressing dilemma! That's PISCES still on board.. your Spirit Guides, and Guardian Angels will talk to you-- but you may be too busy during your "waking hours" to listen!

So, pay attention to your DREAMS  this week, and also to WHAT YOU ARE HEARING in those first few misty moments of awakening in the morning.. it's important info!!

Messages I am getting relate a lot  to use of the TAROT CARDS  and Psychic Intuition, more than astrology, in my current reading cycles. The intuition and guidance from the GAIAN DECK is incredible.. and I find it allows for a deep, spiritual reading with good accurate info. I always include astro-info in readings, and I am putting together a monthly "HEADS UP " astrology handout for all clients, with  the most important SKY WATCH cycles in effect.

Have you ever experienced that Sigh of contentment when you return to your roots... .
many experiments later,

Tarot is Home for me....


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