Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Welcome Spring Equinox! I love this day when the day and night are of equal length.And, in my mind, of equal value.

We need both the Dark and the Light. In the darkness of the Night, we have time and quiet to contemplate, to meditate, to dream.And in the bright of the Sun we take action, we make decisions, and we play.

Where in your life do you need Balance? Are you over working or over spending (one will  lead to the other, you know!)  Are you out more with friends and hobbies and giving short shrift to family time?

Have you become a hermit and don't socialize at all? Do you need the balance of some  group activities or social engagements?

Spring is about seeds breaking through the fertile soil and turning into food, beauty,flowers, trees.... what in YOU is seeking to BREAK OUT..??

Aries is a special action- oriented energy and we have lots of it in the mix lately. It's a great week to?   take specific action towards one of your dreams, and to get up off the couch and get your body moving.

Yoga?  Baseball? A long walk in the woods?

When we get moving physically often the mind and Spirit follow!


"I break out of worn out patterns.."

P.S.  I now have a webpage where you can see how to make an appointment for a reading and pay via paypal. I can chat with you via SKYPE, online or on the phone!

Come visit me at :



1 comment:

  1. Solstice here in Portland is rainy and windy. I like your description of balance. This is the first year in a long time that I have not had some big event or project, so I'm letting it unfold as it goes along. As for staying active, I practice martial arts and love it. Now following your blog. Hope you will follow back.
